The phrase “Bhujangasana” is a combination of the Sanskrit words "Bhujanga," which stands for cobra, and "asana," which stands for posture. The Bhujangasana position, also known as a backbend, is used at steps 8 and 20 of the traditional Surya Namaskar sequence. It's also known as the "cobra pose" because it looks like a cobra with its hood lifted. Bhujangasana, a backbend position, enables your body to move its lower back and spine. Additionally, it encourages flexibility throughout the entire torso, which contributes to expanding the thoracic volume and enhancing respiratory capacities. To learn everything about Bhujangasana, read on.


The practice of yoga can transform the body while nourishing the mind, no matter what your age or state of health might be. Practising different types of yoga poses can boost physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, so yoga is more than just a well-rounded practice. Like all other yoga poses, the Bhujangasana pose targets a certain body part or aims to produce a certain outcome. Furthermore, Bhujangasana connects it to other yoga poses.

If we talk about the Bhujangasana benefits, it strengthens your wrist, forearms, shoulders, lower back, and the muscles surrounding the spine. Almost every age group can perform Bhujangasana due to its beginner-level category. You can keep your mind and body in balance by practising Bhujanagasna regularly.

What is Bhujangasana, aka Cobra Pose?

Bhujangasana is especially important in the Hatha Yoga school because it benefits all body systems. The term "Bhujangasana" is a combination of the Sanskrit words "Asana" (posture) and "Bhujanga," which both imply a snake or serpent. In light of the fact that it resembles a cobra with its hood raised, it is known as the "cobra pose."

Bhujangasana may strengthen the spine, tone the belly, and, most significantly, enhance blood circulation. Bhujangasana is a full-body pose that improves both physical and mental well-being. Your back could benefit from it, and by continuing to practise this, yoga helps your digestion. It is regarded as one of the greatest asanas for getting a flat tummy. 

It is advisable that you consult with your doctor to rule out any contraindications before including Bhujanasan in your regular workout routine. Bhujangasana should be avoided, for example, if you have back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, a headache, or are pregnant.

10 incredible health benefits of practising bhujangasana

You may be aware that Bhujangasana can help you manage your health and spirituality, but you may be unaware that it has several other advantages. Read on to find out how you can gain Bhujangasana benefits while doing asana properly:

1. Burns extra fat

The Bhujangasana poses target the extra belly fat and help to burn calories while releasing tension in the muscles. By performing this pose, you will also speed up your metabolism and boost your body's capacity to burn calories. Yoga's Cobra pose also makes it simpler to tone the buttocks while eliminating extra fat and bolstering the spinal muscles.

2. Promotes digestion

When you practise Bhujangasana regularly, you will find it is a natural stimulant for gastrointestinal function and aids in stimulating the digestive system and releasing digestive fluids. It ensures improved food absorption.  

3. Improves blood circulation

The secret to remaining energised and active is to maintain healthy blood circulation. By practising Bhujangasana seriously or effectively, you can improve blood circulation. The cells can obtain enough oxygen and nutrients when the blood flows well. The balance of hormones may also be enhanced by better blood circulation. 

4. Enhances Flexibility

Muscles in the chest, shoulders, back, calves, and thighs are stretched when performing Bhujangasana. By energising the muscle fibre bundles, this helps increase the range of motion in the muscles. As a result, practitioners' flexibility increases. Additionally, it strengthens the stiffness in the lower back and soothes discomfort. 

5. Good for Spine

When your back needs a moderate extension, Bhujangasana could be helpful. So, it could aid in supporting the health of your spine. This asana's mechanism and stages are intended to stretch your lower and upper back. Those with chronic back pain should seek medical advice before attempting Bhujangasana. 

6. Boosts the reproductive system

The pelvic region is activated during Bhujangasana practice. Blood flows to the reproductive system during this process, feeding and nourishing the reproductive organs while strengthening them throughout the procedure. However, both men and women who suffer from various reproductive disorders may benefit from this asana.

7. It helps manage stress.

This might be fantastic news for everyone who struggles with sadness or anxiety. Bhujangasana practice may assist you in overcoming the negative consequences of stress. It can aid with stress-related symptoms like headaches, exhaustion, and weakness. Additionally, it could help in the treatment of depression. If you suffer from diseases like sleeplessness or migraines, it is best to seek professional help.

8. Corrects Physical Posture

As you practice Bhujangasana, your back muscles strengthen and become extremely strong. The exercise prevents slouching on your upper back, thereby correcting your body posture. At first, it might be challenging or uncomfortable, but eventually, your physical posture will improve.

9. Stretches hand and shoulder muscles

When you lift your body in Bhujangasana for short periods of time, your hands and shoulders can support your body weight. As a result, this pose helps build a stronger core while strengthening the biceps and triceps.

10. Reduce symptoms of Asthma 

Bhujangasana helps relieve chest congestion while opening the heart and lung passages if you are dealing with respiratory conditions like asthma. This pose aids in enlarging the chest cavity, which creates more space for your rib cage to open up, making it therapeutic. 

By strengthening the wrist, forearms, shoulder, and lower back, it also supports the skeletal muscles that surround the spinal column. Bhujangasana is one of the easiest backbends because it is considered a beginner-level pose, making it accessible to almost all age groups. Therefore, practising Bhujanagasna on a regular basis in your everyday life will help you achieve a healthy balance between your mind and body.

How to perform Bhujangasana

According to Indian tales, the king cobra glides ahead while lifting its upper body gracefully in an erect position. The Bhujangasana pose, also known as the cobra pose in other nations, is performed by bending your spine and firmly keeping your lower pelvic region on the ground. Now, let's examine in more detail the Bhujangasana steps needed to do this practice in cobra posture.

  • To start the pose, lie down on your stomach. Put your forehead facing downwards on the floor.
  • Try to position your legs straight back with your feet kept hip-distance apart. Extend your toes straight back while you press down on the mat with all ten toenails as you activate your quadriceps.
  • Put your hands on the mat beside your ribs as you spread your fingers and lightly press them down on the ground.
  • Slowly lift your head, shoulders, and chest as you keep the back of your neck long. Focus on raising your sternum (the flat bone in the middle of your chest) and lift your chin slowly.
  • Now gently and deliberately straighten your arms, focusing on lifting your chest forward. Try to coil your thoracic spine, and maintain good mat contact with your lower belly. This will guarantee that the pelvic region stays on the ground.
  • To allow your shoulders to move away from your ears, make sure to straighten your arms.
  • Focus on strengthening your abdominal muscles to avoid having your lower back arch excessively. In order to engage your posterior muscles, try to concentrate on pressing down with your feet.
  • Try to bring your shoulder blades' bottom edge in. Your chest will be easier to access from behind if you do this.
  • While executing this asana, make sure to maintain your elbows slightly bent. This will guarantee that your lower back is drawn up into your body.
  • To the extent that your neck is in line with the curve of your upper back, try to lift up your chin and look up.
  • During the next 5-7 minutes, look forward and breathe in steadily. Take a deep breath and exhale as you did when you entered this pose. When you return to your original position, release your breath.

Safety and precautions tips

Bhujangasana is pretty straightforward, but if you do not perform it authentically, there are numerous Bhujangasana benefits. Still, if you do not work technically, you might face some injuries and pain. To avoid harm and safely practise, you must know its precautions and tips. Here are some safety and precautionary measures for Bhujangasana.

  • You should pay close attention to where your instructor's hands are placed when they elevate your upper body. The distance between the hands should be a manageable size. For the appropriate uplift, you should be directly under your shoulder. 

  • It is best to avoid jerking movements when raising the upper body since they might strain the muscles in the lower back. By releasing the lower ribs' connection to the floor, you should always allow your body to enter Bhujangasana softly.

  • Ensure that your lower body or legs stay straight when the instructor elevates your body off the ground. By pushing your pubic bone and the front of your feet, you may avoid this from happening, which could lead to your knees swinging to either side of your body.

  • People with lower back pain should try not to use their hands or lift them slightly off the ground. If this posture still causes pain, this posture should be avoided.

  • To prevent neck compression, it should be sought to keep shoulders away from the ears.

  • Instead of pressing from the palms, begin by lifting the chest and gently press the palms to support the lift. Don't press from the palms since that could cause compression in the lower back.

  • People with neck discomfort should maintain a neutral chin position.

Here are the additional precautions tips 

You should avoid this pose if you have carpal tunnel syndrome, a back, shoulder, or arm injury, or any other health conditions. If you feel pain when stretching your back muscles or if your lower back feels tight, you should relax your posture immediately. Pregnant ladies should also stay away from these kinds of workouts. Before beginning the Bhujangasana practice, those who have undergone stomach surgery should speak with their doctor, and extra care should be taken.


Bhujangasana, also referred to as the cobra pose, is a particular asana that encourages both physical and spiritual well-being. It offers several advantages for blood flow, gluteus, back, and body fat. It's crucial when performing this position to keep your legs stable and keep your lumbar spine free from stress or weight. To prevent any problems, one must practice this pose frequently while taking the necessary precautions, possibly with the guidance of a yoga instructor.

Frequently Asked Questions

Before performing the Bhujangasana, you must have some questions, to which the following answers will do our best to provide some clarification.

1. How often should one perform Bhujangasana?

You can do Bhujangasana at your own pace. Still, you should do it with the guidance of a certified and experienced yoga instructor, following their instructions for the same number of repetitions and duration.

2. Is Bhujangasana helpful for abdominal fat?

Yes, Bhujangasana aids in the reduction of your abdominal fat. Cobra posture is one of the most effective asanas for developing a toned stomach. Fitness aficionados suggest that you have to include this asana in your daily workout routine to have a flat belly. 

3. Is there a perfect time to practice Cobra Pose?

Bhujangasana should ideally be practised for 4 to 5 minutes every morning. If you cannot practise in the morning, you can do it in the evening instead. When considering practising this pose in the evening, be sure that at least 4-5 hours have passed since your last meal.

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