
The following article discusses Sitting Yoga Poses to Improve Posture, which is great for increasing flexibility by extending the legs, back, and pelvic muscles.


Poor posture can lead to issues with spinal alignment, pain, and nerve construction over time. It may surprise you to find, that it can also affect digestion, circulation, fatigue, breathing, cardiovascular health, teeth grinding, and mood. In addition to the obvious indicators of poor posture, all of the following could be the result of improper compression and constriction along your spine. In seated yoga positions, stretching the legs, back, and muscles surrounding the pelvis, often known as the hips, is ideal for treating these concerns. Most seated yoga poses target the legs and hips, but there are a few that target the arms, chest, and shoulders as well.

What are sitting yoga poses?

Asanas that begin with the practitioner sitting down are known as sitting postures. Sitting on the floor with your yoga mat gives you a sturdy stance that allows you to expand your body more freely. Kurmasana, Eka Pada Sirshasana, Mudrasana, Vajrasana, and Kakasana are some of the asanas.

What are the benefits of sitting yoga poses?

Seated postures are excellent for improving flexibility and range of motion in the hamstrings, quads, calves, and back body. Because they have a lower probability of falling and better control over the body, seated postures have a lower risk of injury than other types of poses.

11 Types of sitting Yoga Poses to Get  Started With

Here is the list of 11 sitting yoga asanas images with names.

1. Padmasana - The Lotus Pose

What is Padmasana?

Padmasana also called the lotus position or lotus pose is a yoga asana that helps meditators achieve a deep state of meditation. The meditator sits in the Padmasana lotus pose, which is a cross-legged sitting asana. This posture encourages your mind to remain calm and concentrated. Padmasana can also aid in the recovery of the body from a variety of physical ailments. Padmasana is a Sanskrit word that combines the words Padma and asana, with the Padma referring to the lotus and asana to the stance or posture, as earlier mentioned. Kamalsana is another name for it.


Padmasana is a well-known meditative pose that calms the mind as well as the body. By loosening the rigid muscle tissues, stretching relieves pent-up stress. It also strengthens the pelvic region, which enhances the strength and stability of the pelvic muscles. The lotus posture aids in the cure of common digestive diseases such as constipation and loose motion by rekindling the digestive fire. Regularly stretching the knees and ankle joints provides them with strength and endurance.

How to do Padmasana?

1. Sit with your legs straight and stretched out on the floor.

2. Bring the lower leg into a cradle by softly bending the knees. Place the leg gently on the left thigh. Slowly repeat with the opposite leg.

3. Fold the leg with your hands, keeping them close together.

4. Now, either do the namaskar mudra by clasping your hands together near your chest or place your hands on your knees.

5: Throughout the position, keep your spine straight and erect and your head straight.

6. Take a few deep breaths and hold the position for a few minutes before exhaling. Rep the stance with the opposing leg, following the same instructions as before.

2. Vajrasana - The Diamond Posture

What is Vajrasana?

Vajrasana is a basic sitting yoga pose. The term vajra was utilized to give it its name, which means thunderbolt or diamond in Sanskrit. In this pose, kneel and then sit back on your legs to take the weight off your knees.


Regular practice of Vajrasna, or the diamond posture, will greatly help the organs in the lower belly region. To improve their health, diabetic patients can sit in Vajrasana for 10 to 15 minutes after each meal. This position is meant to stimulate the pancreas. This asana can also help you improve your digestion power. 

How to do Vajrasana?

  1. Kneel to the ground.
  2. As much as possible, bring your knees together. Make sure your feet are spaced apart slightly.
  3. Sit in between your calves.
  4. Pull your feet as close to your buttocks as possible.
  5. Ensure that your back is perfectly straight.
  6. Extend your arms forward and wrap your palms around your knees.
  7. At first, hold the stance for two minutes.
  8. Gradually expand the duration of the posture as you practice it.

3. Kurmasana - The Tortoise Pose

What is Kurmasana?

Kurmasana is a seated yoga asana in which the body is folded at the waist and the arms are tucked between the legs. This pose is intended to help you relax while simultaneously increasing your awareness of your inner self. Take five to ten deep breaths while maintaining the position for 30 to 40 seconds. Kurmasana is a position that is said to relieve tension and improve attention.


Kurmasana, or Tortoise Pose, makes your body flexible, preserves your health, and rejuvenates your nervous system due to the spinal stretch.

How to do Kurmasana?

  1. Sit with your feet on the ground. Stretch your legs as far forward and apart as you can.
  2. Inhale. Raise your arms and stretch them upwards above your head.
  3. Raise your knees and bend them.
  4. Lower your stretched arms, palms facing down, to each side.
  5. As you turn your wrist, your fingers should point backward.
  6. Now tuck your arms beneath your raised knees.
  7. You should have your torso parallel to the ground.  Allow your head to rest on the ground.
  8. Straighten your knees with gentle stretching.

4. Kakasana - The Crow Pose

What is Kakasana?

Kakasana is a Hatha yoga pose in which the practitioner squats with the hands flat on the ground between the knees and beneath the shoulders. "Kakasana" is a Sanskrit term that means "crow pose." The body's weight is transferred from the feet to the palms until the knees can balance on the backs of the arms above the bent elbows. By keeping the fingers wide-set, shoulders down, chest high, and facing straight ahead, the practitioner can maintain appropriate form.


In Kakasana, the arms, wrists, and shoulders are strengthened. The balanced position helps with concentration.

How to do Kakasana?

  1. Squat down on the ground.  Keep your feet and knees at a comfortable distance apart.
  2. Stretch your arm out in front of you and place your hands flat on the floor. Spread your fingers as wide as possible. Bend your arms slightly at the elbows.
  3. Raise your hips until your torso is tipped forward and your head is halfway down.
  4. Support your knees with your upper arms.
  5. Concentrate your attention on a point in front of you that is far away from your body. Inhale deeply.
  6. Hold your breath while shifting more of your body weight to your arms.
  7. Raise each of your feet until your arms are the only thing keeping you upright.
  8. While balancing in the position, breathe evenly for as long as you can.

5. Monkey Pose - Hanumanasana

What is Monkey Pose?

Hanumanasana, also known as Monkey Pose, is a strenuous stretch. Monkey Pose is a yoga posture in which the hips are closed.

The splits in this posture are seen as Lord Hanuman taking a great step across the seas. Low Lunge Pose and Seated Forward Bend are frequently performed before it.


In Monkey Pose, the hamstrings, groin muscles, and hip flexors are all stretched out. A quadriceps stretch can also be felt in the back-facing leg. After eight weeks of continuous practice, Monkey Pose can improve muscle strength, endurance, flexibility, and agility.

How to do Monkey Pose?

  1. Kneel on your left knee.
  2. Place your right foot next to your left knee.
  3. Without exerting undue pressure, slowly slip the left foot backward and the right foot forward.
  4. Legs should be moved as far backward and forwards as possible.
  5. Now, use your hands to balance the weight of your body.
  6. Attempt to place your buttocks on the floor.
  7. Relax your entire body.
  8. Put your hands in front of your chest and clasp them together.
  9. Slowly and comfortably inhale and exhale.
  10. With the right leg pointed backward, the process is repeated.

6. Gracious Pose - Bhardrasana

What is Gracious Pose?

Bhadrasana is a beginner-friendly yoga pose. It's a great meditation asana because it's simple to do and can be held for lengthy periods. Bhadrasana is a yoga pose that calms the mind and gives a sense of stability. In addition, the Muladhara (root) chakra is awakened.


Stretching the quadriceps, opening the hips, lengthening the spine, and developing inner serenity and groundedness are all benefits of the gracious posture.

How to do Gracious Pose?

  1. Bring the knees to the floor, contacting the big toes and keeping the knees hip-width width apart. 
  2. Sit back on your heels, with the outsides of your hips contacting your heels. The width of the knees should be as wide as possible. Place your hands on your knees, palms facing down.
  3.  Lean back and sink your hips into the floor. Raise the crown of the head to extend the spine. Your shoulders should be down, and your chest should be pressed towards the front.
  4. Take a deep breath and relax your face, jaw, and abdominal muscles. Allow the tongue to rest on the roof of the mouth directly beneath the front teeth.
  5. Take a deep breath through your nose and hold it in your abdomen.

7. Half Lods of the Fishes Pose (ARDHA MATSYENDRASANA)

What is Half Lods of the Fishes Pose?

The deep twist Ardha Matsyendrasana (Seated Twist Pose/Half Lord of the Fishes Pose) is both strengthening and rejuvenating. The position allows you to bend your entire body, which improves circulation, digestion, and spinal mobility.


Half Lord of the Fishes can help you stretch your outside hips and thighs, extend your shoulders and chest, strengthen your upper back, straighten your spine, and stretch the front of your thighs. It may also help with digestive stimulation.

How to do Half Lods of the Fishes Pose?

  1. Start by sitting in Sukhasana. Bring your feet alongside your hips and cross your right or left knee on top.
  2. Raise your right knee to the outside of your left knee and place the sole of your right foot on the mat.
  3. For support, place your right hand on the floor outside your right hip.
  4. Take a deep breath in and raise your left hand to the ceiling. Take a deep breath out and bring your left elbow to the outside of your right knee. To add resistance, press your knee and elbow together.
  5. Hold the pose while breathing in and out, slowly twisting a little further with each exhale.
  6. Exhale to raise your right arm and unwind your body. Return to center with an exhale, then repeat.

8. Sirshasana - The Headstand

What is Sirshasana?

Sirsasana, or Headstand Pose, is renowned as the "King of All Asanas" since it necessitates head/crown balance. This is a difficult yoga pose that should only be attempted with the assistance of a yoga instructor. This asana is highly popular because of its multiple health advantages. It promotes blood circulation and ensures that the brain receives adequate oxygen.


Sirsasana strengthens the neck and shoulder muscles, as well as the abdominal and spine muscles. It also relieves headaches and aids in the recovery of kidney, liver, stomach, intestine, and reproductive system issues. It aids in the circulation of blood to the scalp, which helps to prevent hair loss, greying, and baldness, and also increases the body's vitality by inducing calm and combating stress.

How to do Sirshasana?

  1. Take a deep breath and sit back on your heels. Bend forward until your forearms are parallel to the ground. Maintain a comfortable distance between your elbows.
  2. Make a cup with your hands by interlocking your fingers.
  3. Place your head's crown on the floor. Allow the back of your head to be supported by your palms.
  4. Raise your hip into the air to straighten your knees. Make sure your head and arms are in a secure position.
  5. Take little steps forward, bringing your feet closer to your face. Your body should form an inverted 'V' when your hips are over your head.
  6. Lift your legs off the floor and relax your knees.
  7. Make sure your head and forearms are firmly planted on the floor once more. Raise your legs even higher until your feet are pointing overhead.
  8. For roughly 2 minutes, stand upside down in this position. Relax your knees and slowly lower yourself to the ground.

9. Prayer Squat - Nmaskarasana

What is Prayer Squat?

Because it is a mild yet powerful stance, even beginners can incorporate prayer squat into their practice. It is supposed to assist balance and concentration.

The yogi starts in mountain pose, but with his or her feet spread wider and his or her hands in front of the heart in a prayer stance. The hips are lowered to the floor in a squat. After that, the elbows are forced into the wrinkles in the knees. Up to eight breaths can be held in this position.


The prayer squat enhances balance, memory, and focus by opening the hips.

How to do Prayer Squat?

  1. Step out to shoulder width with your feet at a 45-degree angle. 
  2. Slowly bend the knees to a low squat with broad knees. 
  3. In a prayer position, bring the palms together. 
  4. Exhale and squeeze your elbows onto the insides of your knees. 
  5. Exhale and extend your arms between your legs, allowing your neck and head to fall to the ground. 
  6. Return the arms to prayer on the exhale and repeat 3-5 times. 
  7. Bring your hands in front of your feet to exit the stance. 
  8. Bring your weight into your hands and arms on the inhalation. 
  9. Slowly extend the legs forward to a forward bend as you exhale. Roll up on the inhale

10. Kukkudasana - The Fowl Pose

What is Kukkudasana?

Kukkutasana is a difficult yoga asana that requires balance and stability while using the arms and core muscles. It's challenging for beginners since the base position, Padmasana requires a lot of patience and time. Only intermediate or advanced yoga practitioners should attempt this pose.


Kukkutasana stretches and strengthens the chest while strengthening the arms and shoulders. This pose aids in the development of stability and balance.  It also helps digestion by strengthening the wrists, elbows, and abdominal muscles.

How to do Kukkudasana?

  1. Sit in the Padmasana position, which involves crossing your legs and facing your soles upwards, close to your navel. Deep inhalation
  2. Place your hands down between your thighs and calves.
  3. Push yourself to the point when your palms are on the floor.
  4. Keep your palms next to each other and your thumbs in contact.
  5. Exhale. Gradually raise your body off the floor.
  6. Your palms should be able to support your body weight.
  7. To maintain equilibrium, make sure you're breathing evenly.
  8. Hold the position for as long as possible.

11. Purvottanasana - The Inclined Plane

What is Purvottanasana?

Purvottanasana is a balanced, invigorating, and strengthening asana. Purva means "east," Uttana means "extreme stretch," and asana means "position" in Sanskrit.


This asana strengthens the triceps, wrists, back, and legs. It also stretches the muscles in your shoulder, chest, and front ankle.

How to do Purvottanasana?

  1. Sit up straight. Your legs should be stretched out in front of you.
  2. Backward-stretch your arms to lay your hands behind you. Make a rearward motion with your fingers.
  3. Slowly arch your back and drop your head backward.
  4. Allow your upper body to be supported by your arms.
  5. Inhale. Raise your hips off the ground and make a straight plank with your body.
  6. Make sure your feet are flat on the ground and that you have a firm grip.
  7. Breathe slowly and evenly. Hold the position for 10 seconds. As you gain experience, you can extend this time.
  8. Relax as you gradually lower your hips to the floor.


The hips, knees, ankles, and groin muscles all benefit from the flexibility provided by these sitting asanas. Sitting asana balances the spine, provides physical stability and calms the mind. As you get closer to the earth, these positions are inherently more soothing, giving you a pleasant feeling and making breathing smoother and simpler.


Which yoga is best for body posture?

Prayer Squat or  Nmaskarasana is one of the best yoga for body postures.

Can yoga improve posture?

Yoga has been demonstrated in studies to improve posture and overall back health, as well as promote flexibility and strength, as well as provide relaxation and stress management. 

How can I improve my sitting pose in yoga?

Starting with beginner’s friendly positions and practicing daily can improve your sitting posture in yoga.

Which asana is most beneficial for improving body posture?

Padmasana is one of the most beneficial asanas for improving body posture.

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