
Yoga has been shown in studies to help with anything from anxiety, depression, and stress to lowering inflammation in the body. The following article discusses different yoga poses with names and the ways to master them.


People of all skills, bodily structures, and understanding can benefit from each level of yoga. You can better comprehend how each of the yoga levels fits into your practice if you know what they mean. The breath, present, and mindful movement will be emphasized at all levels.

You can establish intentions for tuning into your body and becoming more aware of your mind (how you speak to yourself and view the world) at any level of yoga, as long as you are willing to grow. Intermediate yoga poses push you to move deeper into your fundamental practice and help you develop more strength, better balance, stronger concentration, and a larger level of risk. It feels fantastic to have mastered these intermediate yoga asanas. Advanced poses include deep backbends (such as wheel pose), inversions (such as forearm stand), and arm balances, which are frequently combined in complicated ways.

Yoga can help people manage stress, enhance flexibility, and maintain a healthy weight. Beginners might benefit from these varieties of difficult yoga asanas with names. 

1. Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)

Ardha chandrasana comes from the Sanskrit words ardha, which means "half," and Chandra, which means "moon," and asana, which means "seat" or "posture." This elegant, balanced pose wakes the opposing aspects of the physical body while mirroring the image of the half-moon in the sky.

Tips for mastering Half Moon Pose

  1.  Keep your Drishti down in front of your standing leg as you bring your left leg parallel to the ground while working on your balance.
  2.  Adjust and balance your posture by keeping your hand on your top hip before bringing your top arm vertically into the air.
  3. Practice with patience. Patience, time, and effort are required to achieve balance and strength.
  4. Lift your kneecaps, engage your thighs, and firm up your pelvic floor muscles to strengthen your standing knee.

Benefits of Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)

  1. Legs, ankles, and knees are strengthened.
  2. Thighbones are rooted to aid with back discomfort.
  3. Abdomen, buttocks, and spine are strengthened.
  4. Chest and shoulder opening
  5. Reduces anxiety and sadness
  6. Relieves tension by improving balance and coordination.

2. King Dancer Pose (Natarajasana)

Natarajasana (Dancer Pose or Lord of the Dance Pose)  is named after Shiva Nataraja, King of the Dance, a Hindu divinity who finds happiness in the midst of destruction. The position is a deep backbend that needs patience, concentration, and perseverance. Lord of the Dance Pose, like its namesake, represents attaining inner peace.

Tips to master King Dancer Pose:

  1. With your thumb pointed away from you, grip the inner arch of your foot.
  2. Make that the standing leg is not hyperextended.
  3. With the free arm, always stretch forward.
  4. Remove your shoulders from your ears and relax them.
  5. Lower your stomach, but keep your upper body raised.
  6. Make sure that no part of the spine is compressed.

Benefits of King Dancer Pose (Natarajasana)

  1. It helps to strengthen your shoulders, back, arms, and legs.
  2. Increases metabolism, which aids weight loss.
  3. This pose helps to keep the digestive system in check.
  4. This position is beneficial for stretching the hands, thighs, legs, waist, and tummy.
  5. Natarajasana improves posture and bodily equilibrium. Correcting posture reduces the likelihood of aches and pains in the body.
  6. This asana calms the mind, relieves stress, and increases focus.
  7. With consistent practise of this asana, the body gets more flexible.

3. Pyramid Pose (Parsvottonasana)

The deep front fold of Pyramid Pose (Parsvottanasana) lengthens the spine while stretching the hip muscles and hamstrings. The restrictive limitations of the posture require you to thoughtfully create stability, strength, and integrity in the pose. The Ashtanga Primary Series concludes with this standing pose.

Tips to master Pyramid Pose:

  1. Place a block beneath your back foot to raise the floor closer to you.
  2.  Place your feet just on either side of the tightrope. 
  3. Do not put your feet together heel to heel. 
  4. Place as many blocks as you need beneath either hand to feel comfortable. 

Benefits of Pyramid Pose (Parsvottonasana)

  1. The yoga pose Parsvottanasana trains the entire body. It enhances the overall flexibility of the body.
  2. Because the entire body is actively stretched in this stance, it creates a sense of equilibrium in the body.
  3. This aids in the betterment of the digestive system's performance.
  4. This enhances deep breathing and allows for improved breathing.
  5. The brain and nerves are brought under control in Parsvottansana. I
  6. It helps stiffness and discomfort in the body. It is advised for arthritis of the neck, shoulders, elbows, and wrists and has a therapeutic effect.
  7. It is advantageous to achieve the appropriate posture.
  8. The reproductive organs benefit from the asana as well. It even helps to ease the pain of menstrual cramps.

4. Reverse Warrior Pose (Viparita Virabhadrasana)

Reverse Warrior Position (Viparita Virabhadrasana) is a standing balancing pose that opens the sides of the body while stretching the legs. It strengthens the body like a warrior, enhances mental focus, and energizes the mind and body, and its name derives from the Sanskrit words Viparita = reverse or reversed.

Tips to master Reverse Warrior Pose:

  1. Avoid extending your back heel too far.
  2. Maintain as much straightness in your lower back as possible.
  3. Maintain a relaxed posture with tight arms.

Benefits of Reverse Warrior Pose

  1. It opens the chest and side body, reducing tension in the intercostal muscles behind the ribs and allowing for a deeper, more free-breathing pattern.
  2. Legs are strengthened as a result of this.
  3. Stretches the inner thighs and aids hip mobility.

5. Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

Utkatasana (Chair Pose) is a powerful asana that unites and empowers all of your body's parts. This asana is a contemplation on dedication, persistence, and perseverance. Chair Pose necessitates perfect coordination of leg, arm, and torso strength, as well as the raising and lengthening of your core muscles and spine.

Tips to master Chair Pose (Utkatasana):

  1. Keep your back in a little arch.
  2. Bring your thighs as close as possible to the floor.
  3. Maintain your balance by putting your weight on your heels.

Benefits of Chair Pose

  1. Strengthen the major joints' supporting muscles, such as the shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles.
  2. Strengthen the core.
  3. Quadriceps and gluteals should be strengthened.
  4. Increasing stability can help to safeguard the knee joint.
  5. Build up body heat.
  6. Breathing is improved by opening the shoulders and chest.

6. Down Dog on a chair pose (Uttana shishosana)

The seated Downward Facing Dog Pose Chair is a chair-supported variant of the Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana). This variation is appropriate for desk, chair, senior, prenatal, and therapeutic yoga.

Tips for mastering Down Dog on a chair pose (Uttana shishosana):

  1. If you have an injured knee or leg, do not do uttana shishosana.
  2. Move your hands outwards when stretching if you're experiencing shoulder pain.
  3. Before doing Uttana Shishosana, work on your shoulder and arm flexibility.

Benefits of Down Dog on a chair pose

  1. It stretches the lower half of the body.
  2. The upper body is strengthened.
  3. Increases blood flow.
  4. A downward dog helps align your spine and straighten your vertebrae, leading to better posture.
  5. The major muscles and bones in your torso and the tiny muscles in your foot are stretched and strengthened in this pose.

7. Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana) is a medium yoga pose that can be found in practically any yoga system. The simplicity of Triangle Pose's setup belies its strength as a hamstring stretch. The chest can twist deeply and blossom open by establishing the basis of the position with planted feet and strong legs.

Tips to master Triangle Pose (Trikonasana):

  1. On the bottom hand, there should be no or very little weight.
  2. Maintain as much straightness and thinness as feasible.
  3. If your breath becomes short, take a few steps back until you can breathe with a longer exhalation than inhalation.

Benefits of Triangle Pose

  1. The triangle pose helps you maintain balance and stability by activating your core muscles.
  2. The spine is stretched and lengthened as a result of this movement.
  3. The triangle posture increases mobility and decreases injury risk by unlocking the hip flexors and shoulders.
  4. Trikonasana stimulates your digestive organs, possibly increasing your metabolism.
  5. This pose can aid in the release of tension, leading to less anxiety and a more balanced emotional state.

8. Sugarcane Pose (Ardha Chandra Chapasana)

Half Moon Pose is a variant of Sugarcane Pose (Ardha Chandra Chapsana) (Ardha Chandrasana). Half Moon requires an open twist while balancing sideways. Chapasana is derived from the word Capa, which means arc or bow, and refers to the curvature of the upper body and lifted leg as your spine extends. This position can be employed as part of a sequence to improve leg strength, balance, or quadriceps stretching.

Tips to master Sugarcane Pose (Ardha Chandra Chapasana):

  1. Strong and stable legs, open quadriceps, good balance, open shoulders, and a warmed-up spine are required for Ardha Chandra Chapasana (Sugarcane Pose).
  2. The intensity of the effort diminishes once you can hold your foot, and your body feels open, invigorated, and graceful.

Benefits of Sugarcane Pose

  1. Strengthens and balances the core.
  2. Ankles, calves, and thighs are strengthened.
  3. Stretches hip flexors, groin, and quadriceps.
  4. Chest and shoulders are opened.
  5. Focus and concentration are improved.


For people who are new to yoga, basic poses like Child's pose are a fantastic place to start. Regular yoga practice improves a person's strength, balance, and flexibility over time. After that, a person can undertake intermediate postures, which will present greater difficulty. Attempting challenging poses too soon may put you in danger of injury. These do not pose to be rushed into. A person should begin with poses that are familiar to them. They will build the strength and flexibility necessary to attempt these poses safely as they grow.


1. What are some intermediate yoga poses?

Chair Pose, King Dancer Pose, and Half Moon Pose are a few of the intermediate yoga poses.

2. How do you master advanced yoga poses?

Slow down to cultivate and integrate your breath with the Asana. Concentrate on your breathing before the asana. Resist the impulse to move on to the next level of the pose and focus on connecting with the structure of the Asana. Take note of the weight in your hands, the mount on your index finger, and the pads on your fingers.

3. What is the hardest yoga pose ever?

Taraksvasana, Vasisthasana, and Halasana are a few of the hardest yoga pose ever.

4. How do you practice difficult yoga poses?

Advanced yoga positions necessitate a combination of balance, flexibility, and strength. You may assist your body in preparing for more difficult asanas by addressing these areas in your regular practice. Focus on beginner and intermediate postures that will help you improve in the area(s) you're working on. Another part of physical preparation is developing a sense of your body's limits. Because of differences in body dimensions and joint structure (among other variables), a stance that comes effortlessly to one person may be dangerous or impossible for another (without modifications or supports). Modifications that allow you to approach any challenging yoga position while acknowledging your body's limits can be found here.

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