A healthy and active lifestyle requires regular weight training and muscle growth. Numerous studies have demonstrated that your resting metabolic rate increases with your muscle mass. Strength training provides you with an afterburn, unlike conventional exercise. This indicates that even up to 72 hours after your workout, your body will continue to burn calories. The following 10 weight lifting exercises should be a part of your fitness regimen!

What Are The Basics Of Weight Lifting Exercises?

All of us need to maintain and build muscle, especially as we get older. Furthermore, the earlier we begin, the better.

A study found that most adults begin to lose roughly half a pound of muscle annually around the age of 30, primarily because they aren't as active as they once were. Weight gain and the potential health problems that come with it are caused by losing muscle mass at the same time that metabolism begins to slow down.

Additionally, developing stronger muscles is not just for show. Weight lifting exercises prevent bone loss and even stimulate the growth of new bone in addition to aiding with weight management.

This may reduce the likelihood of fractures brought on by osteoporosis. It improves equilibrium and boosts energy as well. This can lower the chance of osteoporosis-related fractures. Additionally, it enhances equilibrium and increases energy.

There is a lot of research to back up the advantages of weight training for general health.

Which Are The Best Weight Lifting Exercises?

The best workouts will vary depending on your objectives and available time. One exercise or six can be performed for each body area. You can perform workouts that target a single muscle group or activities that target many muscle groups simultaneously.

Balance is the key. Having a large chest and a weak back is not only unattractive, but it is also unhealthy. Make sure you schedule a time to exercise the muscle opposite the one you are working on.

Extensor and flexor muscles make up each of the pairs that make up a muscle. These muscles function in opposition to one another, flexing when the other is extending and vice versa. They are complementary to one another.

Top 10 Best Weight Lifting Exercises

1. Squats

  1. Keep a wide stance as you square your feet beneath the bar and raise it from the rack using your legs. Never lift from your heels or toes; instead, keep the weight centred.
  2. Keep your torso upright while bending your knees gradually. Do not forward lean. At all times, keep your hips under the bar. Your knee and hip joints' angles are almost equal at the base of the action. Never let yourself get comfortable or slouch. Keep your muscles tensed in a consistent, gradual, and controlled manner. As you descend, inhale.
  3. Maintain a straight back and torso as you slowly return to the beginning position, maintaining your hips beneath the bar. Breathe out as you stand tall and drive into your heels.
  4. For a set, repeat as often as needed. Start with one to three sets of six to ten squats.
  5. Have your spotters assist you in guiding the bar back to the rack after the exercise.

2. Chest Press

  1. With a dumbbell in each hand, lie down on a bench or the ground. If you sit on a bench, you can either put your feet up on the seat or the ground, depending on which is more comfortable for your height relative to the bench and your leg length.
  2. Dumbbells should be placed at the shoulders with upper arms at a 45-degree angle to the torso. To prevent strain on the shoulder joint, keep your elbows in front of your shoulder line. Your thumbs should be encircled by the handle with your palms facing front.
  3. Make sure you are in a secure and comfortable position by bracing your core muscles and tucking your chin in slightly toward your chest. You are equipped to lift.
  4. Exhale while pushing the weights upward, being careful not to lock out the elbows in a quick motion. The weights should almost touch over the top of the chest and make a shallow arc. As long as you don't straighten your arms abruptly or violently, it's acceptable. The floor or seat should not be raised above the head or shoulder blades.
  5. While breathing in and managing the return to the beginning position, lower the weights with your muscles clenched.

3. Deadlifts

  1. Position the toes under the bar with the feet shoulder-width apart (or not much more). The feet can either point directly forward or slightly outward. Shoes with heels should have a flat base. When you raise it, the bar will come very close to and possibly graze your shins. Keep your spine in a neutral position.
  2. Brace your abdominal muscles to stabilise them.
  3. Kneel, lowering yourself to the ground. With your back straight or slightly arched and not rounded at the shoulders or spine, you should drop to the bar with a form that is comparable to (but not the same as) the squat.
  4. Use an overhand or mixed grip to hold the bar directly above the line of the knees.
  5. By pushing up with the legs starting at the knees, raise the bar. On exertion, exhale. Avoid lifting the hips first, which would cause the trunk to lean forward and the back to round. Avoid attempting to lift the bar with your arms. As the legs push up, the arms remain extended and tensed while clutching the bar. Imagine the legs, shoulders, and hips all rising together as the balancing point.
  6. As you reach your full height, the bar should almost touch your shins and rest at thigh level. As far as it is possible without leaning over, pull the shoulders back.
  7. In a backward motion, lower the bar to the ground while maintaining a straight back.
  8. Repeat as many times as you'd like to.

4. Leg Press

  1. With your heels and forefoot, push the platform away while bracing your abdominal muscles. Keep your heels level on the footplate at all times. The pad should never be moved just with the front of your foot or toes.
  2. Exhale and extend your legs while maintaining a flat back and head against the seat cushion. Rather than using an abrupt action, extend slowly.
  3. At the peak of the motion, pause. Make sure your knees are not locked out and that they are not bending in or out.
  4. Gently bend the knees while exhaling to return the footplate to its initial position. Maintain a flat back and feet at all times.
  5. Start slowly with three sets of 10-leg presses if you have never done them before. From there, you can advance as your strength increases.

5. Overhead Press

  1. Keep your back straight and posture upright. With an overhand grip, hold a dumbbell in each hand at the shoulders. Knuckles are facing up, and thumbs are on the inside.
  2. Exhale as you steadily elevate the weights above your head.
  3. At the peak of the motion, pause briefly.
  4. Dumbbells are brought back to the shoulders by inhaling.

6. Biceps Arm Curls

  1. Start by assuming a tall stance with your feet hip-width apart. Maintain abdominal engagement.
  2. Each hand should be holding a dumbbell. Allow your arms to hang down at your sides, palms facing forward.
  3. Bend at the elbow and lift the weights until the dumbbells are near your shoulders while maintaining a steady upper body and relaxed shoulders. Keep your elbows tucked in and close to your ribs. Lifting requires exhaling.
  4. Weights are lowered to their initial position.
  5. Perform 8–10 curls, rest, and repeat one or two more times.

7. Triceps Pushdowns

  1. Brace your abdominals first.
  2. Put your feet slightly apart and tuck your elbows at your sides.
  3. Inhale. Your elbows should be fully extended but not quite straight and locked when you apply pressure. On the pushdown, slightly flex your knees while keeping your elbows close to your torso. Don't stoop forward. As you press down, make an effort to keep your back as straight as you can.
  4. Take a controlled step back to the beginning as you breathe. Avoid crashing the weights.

8. Seated Cable Rows

  1. Attempt to avoid utilising too much of the row's forward momentum by pulling the grip and weight back toward the lower abdomen.
  2. As you row, squeeze your shoulder blades together while maintaining your chest out to focus on the middle to upper back.
  3. Reverse the handle under strain to full stretch, keeping your back straight even as your hips are flexed. Repeat the exercise as many times as necessary.

9. Lat Pulldowns

  1. Grab the bar with an overhand, knuckles-up hold and a wide grasp. Start with this standard position before moving on to other positions and grips.
  2. Pull the bar down until it is roughly at chin level. Exhale while lowering your chest. While moving slightly backwards is acceptable, try to maintain a still upper torso. As you pull, keep your feet flat on the floor and contract your abs. When your elbows can no longer travel lower without moving backwards, that is where the motion should end. Make sure to stop there and avoid going any lower.
  3. Keep your shoulders square and squeeze your shoulder blades together.
  4. Return the bar to the beginning position gently while managing its slow climb from the bottom position, keeping it near your chin. Keep it from colliding with the weight plates.
  5. Continue until you have finished a set of eight to twelve repetitions. After taking a break, finish the remaining sets in your programme.

10. Crunches

  1. To slowly raise your legs such that your lower legs are parallel to the floor and your knees are directly above your hips, bend your legs at the knees and brace your core. This is where everything begins. Brace your abdominal muscles and maintain a neutral spine position with your back firmly on the floor and a tiny natural curvature in the lower back.
  2. You should only lift your hips off the mat when you curl your knees and hips toward your chest while exhaling. During this rising phase, your knees should stay at the same angle. You should maintain a straight back, a relaxed neck, and shoulders that are flat on the mat. When you can no longer curl without lifting your back off the mat, hold.
  3. With your hips back on the mat and your knees over your hips, still bent 90 degrees, slowly return to the starting position.
  4. Start with three sets of 10 reps and work your way up as you gain strength.

Things To Keep In Mind For Basic Safety

For years, people perform the same routine in the same order. While achieving programme mastery can be consoling, the reality is that your muscles will adapt and grow weary, and you will too. Adjust your workout every six to eight weeks. Change the number of sets and reps, the rest intervals, the angles, the order, and the equipment type. Additionally, keep in mind the following advice for a safer and more efficient workout.

Don't skip warm-up

While it may be tempting to head directly to the bench press after changing, doing five minutes of cardiovascular activity first will allow you to lift more weight. Additionally, take it easy on the first set of any strength-training activity.

Don’t let momentum overpower

Gaining momentum while lifting weights too quickly can make the activity too forgiving on your muscles. People typically hoist the dumbbells gently during the return phase of a lift before letting them fall to the ground.

Don’t hold your breath

When lifting, people frequently forget to breathe. When lifting, you need as much oxygen as you can get. Breathing too shallowly or holding your breath might raise your blood pressure and sap your energy. Instead of using your nose to breathe, use your mouth.

Mix up the exercises

Every six to eight weeks, you should switch up your programme to maintain progress. For instance, increase the weight you lift, the number of repetitions you perform, and the length of time you rest between sets.


Perform this exercise for 12 weeks, adjusting the weight as necessary, and maintaining a minimum of three sessions per week. After 12 weeks, you'll see some extremely significant changes, which will serve as your inspiration to keep going. You'll be prepared to begin some additional intermediate workouts when you get there. Stop making excuses and do this exercise now!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does lifting weights stunt growth?

There is no proof that lifting weights slows growth. In truth, young athletes can improve their coordination and strength with resistance training, and there is currently a major push for young female athletes to lift weights in the hopes that it will increase injury prevention. However, before adding weight or resistance to their motions, this demographic should first work on developing good form.

2. Does lifting weights work?

Strength training that uses weights as resistance is referred to as weight training. Similar to how aerobic conditioning develops your heart, weight training places the muscles under stress, which forces them to adapt and grow stronger. Weight exercise can counteract age-related muscle loss, improve your look, and tone your muscles.

3. Which are the best exercises for weight lifting for weight loss for new weight trainers?

  • Circuit Training
  • Squat + Curl
  • Push Ups
  • Dumbbell Row + Fly
  • Bench Step Ups
  • Lunge + Front Raise
  • Renegade Rows
  • Incline Dumbbell Press

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