
One of the many diverse types of yoga is hatha yoga. It is a traditional form of yoga that is appropriate for novices and offers a host of benefits, including weight loss. Hatha yoga is the parent of Power, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Yin, Iyengar, Hot, and Bikram yoga. Hatha yoga is traditionally more than just exercise. There are numerous variations of hatha yoga for weight loss in addition to improving their physical and mental potential. Through this article, we will guide you through the various aspects of hatha yoga poses for weight loss. So, keep reading!!


Many well-known yoga asanas have their roots in hatha yoga. All other forms of yoga, such as Power, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Yin, Iyengar, Hot, and Bikram, are derived from it. 

Hatha yoga includes asanas (postures) and breathing techniques (pranayama). There are many advantages, including weight loss, which is suitable for beginners.

Not only does Hatha yoga benefit in weight loss but also has physical and psychological advantages. To internally cleanse the body, it strongly emphasises good nutrition and breathing practices.

What Is Hatha Yoga?

Hatha Yoga for weight loss is a traditional yoga asana that is made of two words: "Ha" which means the sun, and "ta" which means the moon. "Hatha" refers to the yoga practised balancing the sun and moon, or the Pingala and Ida, within you. Hatha yoga can be explored in ways that push you past certain boundaries, but at its core, it is a form of physical preparation that gets the body ready for greater possibilities.

9 Hatha Yoga Poses To Lose Your Belly Fat

  1. Chaturanga Dandasana – Plank Pose

The most effective posture to build core strength is Chaturanga Dandasana. Despite how straightforward it appears, it has huge advantages. Your abdominal muscles feel its intensity when you practice this pose.

How to do Chaturanga Dandasana:
  • Put your wrists directly beneath your shoulders and bend your elbows just enough to go into a high plank.
  • Bend your elbows and bring your shoulders down until they are at the same level as your elbows as you exhale.
  • Squeeze your elbows firmly inward toward your body.
  • Keep your legs and upper torso a few inches off the ground.
  • Lift your head or cast your gaze downward.
  • Expand across your upper back and chest.
  • Press back up into a plank or downward-facing dog as soon as you exhale. Alternately, bend your knees and take a child's pose.

  1. Virabhadrasana – Warrior Pose

The Warrior II pose tones your thighs and shoulders and helps to focus better. You get better results if you hold the pose for a longer period. You can get tighter quads by doing Virabhadrasana for just a short while. 

Warrior III pose tones your arms, legs, and back and also enhances your balance. If you tighten your abdominal muscles while maintaining the position, it will help to tone your stomach and give you a flat belly.

How to do Virabhadrasana:
  • Standing straight, with your arms by your sides and your legs hip-width apart - Put your legs wide apart right now.
  • Face the left side of the mat with your left foot turned outward.
  • The other foot will establish a 45-degree angle by turning inward.
  • Completely turn your body to the left.
  • Step forward with your left knee bent at a 90-degree angle, being careful not to let it touch your toe.
  • Allow the other leg to properly stretch.
  • Put your hands in a Namaste posture, raise them above your head, gaze up, slightly arch your spine, and stretch.
  • Repeat on the opposite side after holding for 10 seconds.

  1. Trikonasana – Triangle pose

The trikonasana aids in digestion as well as the reduction of belly fat. It accelerates blood flow in the body and encourages you to develop your thighs and hamstrings.

How to do Trikonasana:
  • Draw your right femur into its socket by contracting your right thigh muscles. While maintaining your right hip tucked, extend your right hand toward the front of the room.
  • Onto your shin or ankle, place your right hand on the ground. Bring your right hand to the floor on the inside or with your right foot if you are more open.
  • Open your chest and extend your left hand toward the ceiling. Your left shoulder should be firm in its socket and the left shoulder should stack on top of the right one.
  • As you turn your head, look up at your left fingertips. It's also acceptable to hold the head in a more neutral position if this hurts your neck.
  • Deepen the crease in your right hip by keeping your right thigh muscles pulled upward.
  • To avoid hyperextension, softly relax your right knee.
  • At least five breaths should be held.
  • By extending your left leg, repeat the posture.

  1. Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward Dog pose

Tone your entire body through Adho Mukha Svanasana. Your arms, legs, hamstrings, and back are all strengthened as a result of practising this exercise. Your muscles are engaged as you hold this position and focus on your breathing. This also enhances your focus and blood circulation.

How to do Adho Mukha Svanasana:
  • Stand on your four limbs, that is, your arms, knees, and feet.
  • Now, while inhaling, lift your knees off the ground while keeping your toes firmly planted. Knees and elbows should remain straight.
  • Then extend your arms in front of you to maintain a forward tilt in your upper torso.
  • Lift your hips as high as you can, creating an inverted V with your body.
  • Stretch your neck while keeping your inner arms close to your ears and pressing your arms firmly into the ground.
  • Now, look at your novel while facing inward.
  • After a few periods of holding the position, return to the beginning position by bending your knees and lowering your torso.

  1. Sarvangasana – Shoulder Stand Pose

Sarvangasana boosts your strength and enhances your digestion. It is well known for enhancing metabolism and regulating thyroid levels. It also strengthens the upper body, the abdominal muscles, the legs, the respiratory system, and the sleep cycle.

How to do Sarvangasana:
  • Straighten your back as you lie down.
  • Lift both of your legs upward while inhaling and exhaling.
  • When both legs are at a 90-degree angle with the floor, stop.
  • Put yourself in Uttanpadasana.
  • Lifting your waist and bringing your legs back over your head while inhaling.
  • Use both of your hands to support your waist.
  • Make sure your waist, back, and legs are all in a straight line.
  • Keep an eye on your toes as you extend your toes toward the sky.
  • Hold the position for a while continuing to breathe normally.
  • Return gradually to your starting position.
  • Three to four times should be enough.

  1.  Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana – Bridge pose

The Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana is fantastic for weight loss, thyroid health, and glutes. It enhances thyroid function, digestion, hormone regulation, and muscle tone. Additionally, it eases your back pain by building up your back muscles.

How to do Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana:
  • While lying on your back, bend both knees, keeping your feet hip-width apart. With the palms downward, slid the arms alongside the body. Touch the heels with your fingertips.
  • As you inhale and lift your hips off the floor, roll your spine up by pressing your feet firmly into the ground. 
  • To raise the chest, exert downward pressure on the arms and shoulders. To raise the hips higher, engage the legs, buttocks, and Mula bandha.
  • Hold your breath for 4 to 8 breaths.
  • Exhale, then slowly bring your spine back to the floor to release.

  1.  Parivrtta Utkatasana – Twisted Chair pose

Parivrtta Utkatasana is more like a sqaut. However, you should be aware that it is a little more intense and targets the glutes, quadriceps, and abdominal muscles. The lymphatic and digestive systems are also built by the asana. It is a fantastic yoga exercise for weight loss.

How to do Parivrtta Utkatasana:
  • Commence by standing up.
  • Adjust your feet so that they are parallel with the toes touching and the heels just slightly apart. Then, twist deeply into your knees and raise your arms above your head.
  • Now maintain the Namaskar position with your hands in front of your chest.
  • Without shifting your hips or knees, turn from your shoulders to your right side.
  • As you slant your chest to the right, place your left elbow on your right knee.
  • For stability, firmly bury both hands into one another.
  • Look down, and if one of your knees is in front of the other on the off chance that it is, draw that leg back into your hip attachment. Another issue is that your knees should rest just above your lower legs.
  • Look up after taking a deep breath.
  • Draw your shoulder blades closer together and lower your back by exhaling.
  • For one to three minutes, try to hold the position.
  • Inhale deeply, then return to your starting posture.

  1.  Dhanurasana – Bow Pose

Dhanurasana strengthens the thighs, chest, and back. It also massages the abdominal organs and enhances digestion. Your entire body is stretched and blood circulation is enhanced. At the same time, you strengthen and tone your muscles.

How to do Dhanurasana:
  • Your feet should be apart and in line with your hips while you lay on your stomach with your arms at your side.
  • Fold your knees and grip your ankles with your hands extended backwards.
  • Take a deep breath in, lift your chest off the floor, and pull your legs up and backwards.
  • Smile and maintain a straightforward gaze.
  • While keeping your breath in mind, maintain the position. Your body is now bent and tense like a bow.
  • As you unwind in this stance, keep inhaling deeply and slowly. But only bend as much as your body will allow.
  • As you exhale, slowly lower your chest and legs to the ground after 15 to 20 seconds. Relax and release the ankles.

  1.  Bhekasana – Frog Pose

What is regarded as the best hatha yoga pose for reducing weight in the lower body stretches the hips and inner thighs. This pose helps to strengthen the spine and targets certain areas of the body to burn fat. Additionally, it works the abdominal muscles and improves posture.

How to do Bhekasana:
  • On the floor, lie on your stomach to begin the frog position.
  • By elevating the upper trunk and the head, rise to your forearms.
  • Right knee bent; heel brought up to the hip.
  • By bending the leg, use your hands to pull the left foot toward the left hip.
  • Rotate the elbows to keep the hands on top of the feet.
  • Lift your chest gradually while inhaling deeply.
  • After maintaining this position for 30 to 50 seconds, you begin slowly releasing your body by exhaling.
  • Relax by lying down on the ground. You can practise the position as often as you like.

How Many Calories Does Hatha Yoga Burn?

The number of minutes you practise Hatha yoga for weight loss determines how many calories you burn. When performing the same activity, larger people often burn more calories than lighter people.

According to Harvard Health Publications, the breakdown of the calories burned by Hatha yoga per hour is as follows:

185-pound person – 400 calories

155-pound person – 300 calories

125-pound person – 220 calories


There are several advantages of hatha yoga for overall health. After practising this yoga, you'll feel at peace and have the ability to better yourself. You can also gain stability, joy, contentment, and self-assurance from it. However, it is advisable to recommend your doctor before practising Hatha Yoga for weight loss. 

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