
In the practice of wildlife conservation, people try to preserve threatened plant and animal species and their habitats. The objective is to preserve nature for coming generations to enjoy and to acknowledge the value of wildlife and wilderness areas to people. Government organizations in many countries specializing in this activity can aid in putting into action laws to safeguard wildlife. Additionally, there are a lot of independent nonprofit groups that support new conservation of plants and animal causes. In this article, we will discuss the various aspects of wildlife management, wildlife conservation, some interesting facts, and laws to protect animals.

What is Wildlife Management?

The goal of wildlife management is to keep wild animal population numbers at levels that are in both the animals' and the overall public best interests. It is a little challenging to accomplish this. The management of wildlife is a multifaceted endeavor. At the federal level, organizations involved in wildlife management include the National Park Service, the Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Forest Service, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. There is a department in charge of wildlife in each of the 50 states.


How Wildlife management Boosts Biodiversity

Wildlife management

Wildlife management boosts biodiversity in different ways. By taking into account ecological principles like carrying capacity, disturbance, and succession, as well as environmental factors like physical geography, and hydrology, wildlife management aims to stop the loss of the Earth's biodiversity.

15 Interesting Facts About Wildlife Conservation.

Interesting Facts About Wildlife Conservation
  1. Promotes pollination and continuity of native plant species.

Bees, worms, butterflies, and birds—in particular—play a significant role in food production. Therefore, protecting these animals helps with pollination.

They are essential for agricultural production, intercropping, and preserving the diversity of native plant species because they rely on nectar from flowers. Bees transport pollen by assisting in the growth of crops by flying from flower to flower in quest of nectar.

  1. Medicinal value.

Even though plants are the primary source of medicines, some animals are also essential in their creation. As an illustration, cobra venom is a key component of leprosy medications, and lobsters may be utilized as anti-biotics.

It is also important to note that the conservation of plants and animals entails protecting their natural ecosystems, which include trees and vegetation, and are crucial for drug research advancement and the pharma industry's long-term viability.

  1. Aesthetic benefits.

Observing animals in their local habitat is enjoyable and calming. People frequently take vacations in protected areas like zoos, seas, forests, and hills to engage in activities like camping, fishing, boating, and hiking, to name a few. For this reason conservation of forests and wildlife is important. 

Individuals who spend most of their time outdoors—whether they are hunting, observing wild animals, or simply taking a stroll or a ride in their native habitat- are less likely to experience stress and the complications that can arise from it. People can keep taking advantage of nature's best features by protecting wildlife!

  1. It is fun and entertaining!

People watch wild animal documentaries on television for hours on end for entertainment. If wildlife and their ecosystems are not preserved, there won't be any more wildlife documentation and consequently no entertainment.

Besides this, it's fascinating to observe animals in their natural environments, such as when animals make a kill in the jungle. For this, the conservation of plants and animals is important. 

  1. Preserves heritage and culture.

Conserving wildlife also means preserving history and customs. Some regions are well-known for their fauna and flora in connection with the local customs and means of subsistence, so failing to protect the environment will lead to the destruction of their land and indigenous heritage.

Africa Safaris, which has recently been dubbed "magical Africa," are frequently linked to large herbivores like elephants and giraffes as well as big cats like cheetahs, leopards, and jaguars. Another illustration is the ecosystem of the "Serengeti Plain," which is home to thousands of migratory wild animals.

  1. Promotes tourism attraction.

In general, a country's fauna and flora and natural habitats like forests, mountains, and water bodies are the main reasons why tourists prefer that country to others when choosing where to travel.

Tourist numbers tend to be higher in nations with a greater proportion of wild animals, as is the case in areas like the Amazon and nations like Tanzania, Costa Rica, Kenya, Brazil

Tourists frequently choose locations where they will see a variety of wildlife animals when deciding where to go.

  1. Protection of biodiversity and endangered species.

Many animals in the wilderness rely on one another through food chains and food webs. For instance, herbivores like antelopes are essential to the survival of carnivore species like lions, jaguars, and leopards. In the forest, the extinction of antelopes could hurt the survival of cats.

As the cats will depend on the remaining living creatures for their survival, it will also impact the existence of other land animals in the jungle. This could significantly reduce the population of large animals like giraffes, which are slower to reproduce.

It is also important to keep in mind that the extinction of cats could significantly impact the number of scavengers who depend on cats for their food, as well as the quantity of grass and trees that primary consumers like deer and antelopes consume.

  1. Protecting ecological stability and balance.

The preservation of fauna and flora promotes global ecological balance. By balancing the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the environment, plants, for instance, contribute significantly to maintaining a healthy ecosystem.

It will greatly impact the existence of all species of plants and animals in the world if animal species—whether they be humans or wildlife—become dominant.

For instance, if humans don't protect wildlife and wild areas, water supply sources will be destroyed, resulting in droughts and famine.

Additionally, since unchecked human activities like logging and deforestation are known to have a negative impact on the environment, preserving wildlife also means preserving ecological equilibrium and stability.

  1. Can enhance food security.

Improving food security is one of the most fundamental functions of wildlife conservation for humans. The availability of a wide range of food products would increase by preventing the destruction of natural habitats and the destruction of forests.

The answer is that protecting wildlife aids in research that encourages agricultural diversity. By ensuring that there are enough and dependable natural services to help agricultural activities, habitat protection improves food security.

  1. Education and learning.

For kids, students, and academics of all ages, learning about wildlife and its habitat is an essential experience. Animal watching aids in conceptualization and the growth of children's imagination, both of which are crucial for their development.

In fact, taking kids to zoos and game parklands is a requirement of the educational system, so failing to safeguard wildlife will deprive teachers of resources for teaching biology and science.

  1. Important for the identification of new plant and animal species for research.

It is projected that a sizable portion of animals and plants have yet to be discovered despite the expansion of animal studies over the past few decades. The need to protect wildlife and its habitats is made clear when one considers that most human medications come from microbial organisms, animals, and plants.

In fact, some scientists think that undiscovered plants or animals may one day provide treatments for some incurable diseases, which is why it is important to protect natural habitats.

  1. Economic benefits associated with tourism.

Due to the existence of wildlife conservation facilities and the preservation of their natural habitats, tourism has a significant positive impact on a country's GDP. Examples of nations that greatly profit from tourism revenues include Thailand, Kenya, Costa Rica, Australia, Tanzania, and South Africa.

10.4% of the global GDP is attributed to the tourism industry. This means that failing to conserve wild animals will harm the tourism economy and endanger the continued existence of those animals.

  1. Protects the livelihoods and knowledge of indigenous people.

The livelihoods of the people who live near forests and other natural ecosystems, like rivers and lakes rely on harvesting wood and firewood for building and cooking purposes, respectively, using fish for survival, and producing medicinal herbs, fruits, vegetables, and food.

Thus, protecting wildlife resources can aid in safeguarding indigenous peoples' livelihoods and their traditional ways of life. Additionally, native or local populations must now be involved in wildlife conservation to improve environmental protection.

For example, efforts to conserve the area's wildlife are necessary for the survival of the native population of the Amazon rainforest.

  1. It serves as a preserve for future generations.

Future generations will only be able to see some of the wild creatures that exist today if conservation methods are implemented.

Numerous wild animals, including the Amur leopard, pangolin, Black and Javan rhinoceros, Hawksbill turtle, Cross River gorilla,  South China tiger, and Sumatran elephant, are on the edge of leaving extinct as a result of human activity.

For instance, when the last remaining male white rhinoceros in Kenya passed away from old age a few years ago, scientists were left with a large amount of work to attempt to save the semen for use on the few surviving female rhinoceros in an attempt to conserve the white rhinoceros for subsequent generations.

  1. Freshwater species declining faster than anything else.

Protecting wildlife and their habitat is essential for maintaining human health.

According to research, diverse, protected natural areas have lower malaria and Lyme disease rates.

60% of contagious diseases, including COVID-19, are spread by animals.

When individuals are close to animals, there is a higher chance that diseases will spread and "jump" species. Humans and wildlife won't have to cohabit in such close quarters if ecosystems are guarded. This is why conservation of forest and wildlife is important. 

Tips to protect your home and yard from wild animals

Even though many of us enjoy watching squirrels, raccoons, rabbits, and other woodland animals play within and around the garden, their arrival can actually be quite troublesome. Given below are some tips with the help of which you can protect your home from wild animals. 

  • Fix damaged screens and restore door sweeps on doors.
  • Put chimney caps in.
  • Soffit, attic, and local exhaust vents should all be covered.
  • Cover the window wells' tops.
  • Check roofs annually for water leaks signs.
  • Tree limbs should be pruned back 6 to 8 feet from the sloping roof, and firewood should be stored at least 20 feet from the house.
  • Keep your trash in a locked container that animals cannot open.
  • Keep crawl spaces, cellars, and attics dry and well-ventilated.

Laws to Protect Animals

According to Article 51(G), it is the responsibility of every Indian citizen to preserve and enhance the natural environment, such as forests, lakes, rivers, and wildlife, as well as to show concern for all living things.

Animal Cruelty Prevention Act

To stop the needless suffering of animals and to change the laws on the prevention of cruelty to animals, the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act was passed in 1960.

Wildlife Protection Act 

The Indian government passed the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 to protect the nation's wild animals and prevent illegal hunting, smuggling, and trafficking of wildlife and its products.


Wildlife protection is crucial for sustainable development. India is now putting more effort into wildlife conservation. Much effort has been put forth on both the local and international levels, but much remains to be done. We need to stop overusing our natural resources, work together to create a better world, and launch a campaign to highlight the value of wildlife conservation. so that people will be aware of their obligations and use natural resources sparingly and only for legitimate purposes.


1. What are the benefits of wildlife conservation?

The answer is that protecting wildlife aids in research that encourages agricultural diversity. By ensuring that there are enough and dependable natural resources to support agricultural activities, habitat protection improves food production.

2. Why is wildlife conservation important?

We can guarantee that all the various species in a region will survive, reproduce, and flourish through the conservation of forest and wildlife. Ecological stability depends on protecting forests and wildlife. Forests serve as both a habitat for wildlife and an essential part of many food chains and webs.

3. What is the main importance of wildlife?

It maintains the stability of food chains while balancing the forces of nature. A sizable gene pool is provided by wildlife. It helps with species conservation in a given area. Wildlife offers a variety of goods, including food and medicines.

4. How do humans affect wildlife?

Humans affect wildlife in a very bad way. Threatened and endangered wildlife populations are suffering an alarming rate of habitat loss, fragmentation, and modification brought on by human-led activities. The activities include logging, road and dam building, industrial and residential development, mining, and pesticide use. 

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