How about turning some of your free time at the office into a discreet training session? It's easy! Just follow our guide for a ten-minute session!

Right, This is for the Legs!

man doing squats

For super-firm thighs, we have two ideas for you: Sit on your comfy office chair and put your hands on each side. Lift your legs and stretch them out... higher, higher! Once they are parallel with the ground, hold them for 5 to 10 seconds before releasing and breathing out slowly. It's not over yet... but nearly. Repeat the exercise 10 times! Sit on the front of the chair so that the thighs are not touching the seat.

Then, lift your right leg, parallel to the ground like in the first exercise. This time, hold it for 30 seconds. If you want to strengthen your calves, it's simple! Grabbing a coffee, meeting a colleague or heading for the printer? Do it on tiptoe: the effect is immediate!

(and ignore all those astonished looks - you will soon get your revenge)

After Some Well-Toned Glutes?

man doing stretching

Sit straight with your feet on the floor. The goal is to contract each glute in turn, left then right, counting 10 seconds each time. If you find it tricky to coordinate the two (which is fairly common), contract them both at the same time. And, above all, it's discreet!

Well-Defined Abs?

girl doing exercise for abs

Here are some ideas...

Sit on the edge of your chair, resting your elbows on the desk. Secretly raise your knees 5 times towards the bottom of the desk and then release for 5 seconds.

Sit up straight in your chair, breather deeply and calmly, pushing out your stomach. Hold your breath for a few seconds, then breathe out fairly slowly through the mouth.

Sit down, put your hands on your chair and use their strength to raise yourself up. Start with some sets of 10, before trying 15!

Sit down, keep your back straight and relax! Keep your legs open, at hip width, with your feet straight. Lift your feet off the floor and remain balanced for 10 seconds, then release. Easy? Then try it 5 times in a row!

Easy, right? So give it a go!

It's discreet and you will notice the benefits.



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