Are you weary of experimenting with different components but not seeing the results you want for your body? Is your body deficient in nutrients, even though you eat a variety of foods? This may be due to a lack of vitamin D in your system. Researchers have recognized a link between the best vitamin D foods and optimal body growth for many years. Even experts recommend that you incorporate foods high in vitamin D in your diet to strengthen your body and bones. Our experts have provided details on the various vitamin D foods, vitamin D fruits and vegetables, and much more in this article. So, stay tuned.


Vitamin D, sometimes known as the sunshine vitamin, is necessary for good health and well-being. When your body is exposed to sunshine, it creates both a vitamin and a hormone. This fat-soluble vitamin aids calcium absorption in the body, resulting in increased bone mineral density. It also helps the body's immunological and neuromuscular systems by regulating cellular development and supporting immune and neuromuscular processes. Vitamin D has been shown in several studies to aid in managing infections and reducing inflammation. Furthermore, there is evidence that vitamin D may help prevent you from illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and even depression.

Because vitamin D is involved in so many vital systems, a vitamin D shortage should not be taken lightly. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to rickets, osteoporosis, osteomalacia, brittle bones, a compromised immune system, inflammation, muscular tiredness, and weakness, among other things. Vitamin D deficiency might potentially harm your neurological system.

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for vitamin D is 400 IU (10 mcg) per day for all Indian people. According to some authorities, persons over 70 should take 800 IU (25 mcg). Consult a doctor to determine the amount of vitamin D you require based on your sun exposure.

Table of Contents

  1. Vitamin D Foods in India
  2. Vitamin D Fruits
  3. Vitamin D Vegetables
  4. Vitamin D Tablets
  5. Vitamin D Health benefits
  6. Vitamin D Deficiency
  7. Frequently Asked Questions
  8. The Bottom Line

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Vitamin D Foods In India

Mentioned below are some of the most beneficial vitamin D foods in India:-

Cow Milk

Several health experts and nutritionists recommend incorporating one glass of cow milk into your daily diet, which will provide 20% of your daily vitamin D needs. Cow milk is a good source of calcium, and vitamin D. Make sure you drink full-fat milk since it has the most vitamin D.


According to USDA nutrition statistics, yoghurts are high in protein and fortified with vitamin D, containing roughly 5 IU per 8-ounce serving. However, when you buy yoghurt, read the label carefully because most of these fortified varieties are flavoured, which means they have a high sugar level. As a result, it is preferable to avoid using store-bought yoghurt packets and instead make yoghurt at home.


Oatmeal, like the majority of whole grains, is a good source of vitamin D. Aside from that, oats are high in critical minerals and vitamins and complex carbohydrates, which our bodies require to keep healthy and fit.

Egg Yolk

Another good vitamin D food is the yolk of an egg. Although the yolk includes more calories and fat, it also provides all of the vital components, including protein and healthy carbohydrates. Make sure you don't consume the yolk of more than one egg in a single day. To increase the flavour and nutritional value of an omelette, add some vegetables to it.

Fatty Fish

Incorporate extra vitamin D-rich seafood into your diets, such as herring, mackerel, salmon, and tuna. Vitamin D-rich foods include herring and salmon. These are high in calcium, protein, and phosphorus, in addition to supplying vitamin D.

Fortified Foods

Vitamin D is hard to come by in nature, especially if you're a vegan or don't eat seafood. Thankfully, certain food items are engineered to provide nutrients that aren't found naturally in the product. Vitamin D is added to a wide range of commercially accessible foods. These foods are then labelled as vitamin D supplemented or enriched with other nutrients. Vitamin D and other minerals are commonly added to fortified meals:

  • cow’s milk
  • soy milk
  • almond milk
  • orange juice
  • yoghurt
  • various breakfast cereals


Because vitamin D is mostly found in animal sources, vegetarians and vegans are at a higher risk of deficiency. Tofu is another frequent item that is fortified with vitamin D and may be consumed by vegans and lactose intolerants to meet their daily vitamin D requirements. You can check the amount per serving on the box once again and make any necessary modifications. Tofu stir-fried with vegetables is a delicious way to consume this vitamin D food.

Cod liver oil

Cod liver oil has several advantages and is beneficial to your overall health. However, it is unappealing to a large number of people. These days, cod liver oil capsules are flavoured with mint or citrus to prevent nasty burps after you take them. One tablespoon of cod liver oil provides around 1300 IUs of vitamin D, which is double the recommended daily requirement; however, too much vitamin D is also harmful. Cod liver oil is a choice if you don't want to receive your vitamin D from fruits, milk, or other sources. However, before taking it, talk to your doctor.

Raw Oysters

Oysters are another form of seafood that is high in minerals, and vitamin D. Oysters are a low-calorie clam that lives in seawater and contains around 320 IUs of vitamin D. They also have higher levels of vitamin B12, copper, and zinc than multivitamin tablets. Fruits have far less vitamin D than seafood, so if you're a non-vegetarian who likes seafood, raw oysters and salmon are your best bets. Boiling oysters in your salad can add not only flavour but also provide a number of health advantages.


Cereals are said to be the finest breakfast since they are high in critical vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D. It might be a lighter alternative to a healthy breakfast.


Pork is well-known for being a vitamin D food that also contains a variety of other nutrients. Pork may be eaten either fresh or preserved. Pork liver is particularly high in Vitamin D, and pork that has been exposed to sunshine has a substantially higher level of the vitamin.


It's raw beef that's transparent by nature, hard but tender in texture, and has a mild flavour. Shrimp also includes cholesterol, minerals, and vitamins such as vitamin D, B12, and B3. Steamed or boiled, they're delicious. When it comes to the nutritional types of seafood, it is one of the best vitamin D foods.

Vitamin D Fruits

Mentioned below are some of the most beneficial vitamin D fruits in India:-

Orange Juice

We'll give you even another incentive to drink orange juice: it contains a significant quantity of vitamin D and vitamin C. It's also one of the greatest fruit juices, featuring a wide range of health-promoting characteristics. Breakfast with a glass of fresh orange juice is the finest way to get your day started. However, fresh orange juice should always be preferred over store-bought orange juice.


When it comes to vitamin D fruits, bananas are another excellent choice. This is due to their high magnesium content, which aids in the activation of vitamin D in the body. Furthermore, it is indicated that a sufficient level of magnesium is required to reap the full advantages of vitamin D.

Vitamin D Vegetables

Mentioned below are some of the most beneficial vitamin D vegetables in India:-


Mushrooms are high in vitamin D because they thrive in the sun. Aside from that, mushrooms are high in B vitamins B1, B2, and B5 and minerals like copper. However, not all mushrooms have the same amount of vitamin D; it varies by kind and variation. It is usually preferable to select mushrooms that have been dried in the sun. If you can't get sun dried mushrooms, you may also expose them to the sun to boost vitamin D levels.


If you enjoy leafy green veggies, spinach is one of the best vitamin D vegetables. Spinach is a great source of rapid energy and seems like a tasty addition to any meal. One cup of cooked spinach provides about a quarter of your daily calcium, iron, Vitamin A, and fiber needs.

Vitamin D Tablets

Mentioned below are some of the most beneficial vitamin D tablets in India:-

Himalayan Organics Vitamin D3 Tablets

The Himalayan Organics Vitamin D3 Tablets are the greatest solution for enhancing bone health that you can discover. This is because it contains a combination of Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2. Vitamin D3 aids in the synthesis of Osteocalcin, which helps to keep calcium locked in the bones. This not only enhances bone health but also aids in the development of muscular strength and bulk. Vitamin K2, on the other hand, aids in the activation of Osteocalcin. You obtain greater calcium absorption from the bloodstream because these components work together. All of this contributes to a stronger heart.

Carbamide Forte Calcium Tablets

The Carbamide Forte Calcium Tablets' key feature is that each tablet contains 1200mg of Calcium Citrate Malate. This component is easily absorbed since it is water-soluble. To put it another way, these pills will provide you with speedier results. Furthermore, these pills do not induce bloating or calcium deposits due to their rapid absorption rate. Alfalfa and Cissus Quadrangularis, which are high in natural calcium, are also included in these tablets. Alfalfa also includes Vitamin D, C, E, K4, potassium, iron, and phosphorus, among other nutrients. These can be beneficial in the treatment of arthritis.

Ayurveda Organics Vitamin D Tablets

If you prefer Ayurveda, the Ayurveda Organics Vitamin D Tablets are a good choice. When compared to conventional calcium pills, these tablets include twice the amount of Vitamin D3. It also contains zinc and magnesium, which provide your body with all-around assistance. Your body will absorb calcium more effectively as a result of this nutritional breakdown. This will aid in the strengthening of your bones as well as the improvement of your energy levels. These pills benefit your teeth and neurological system in addition to your bones. It also helps to increase muscle growth and strength.

Eucee Vitamin D With C Chewable Tablets

Children may have difficulty swallowing medications. With the Eucee Vitamin D With C Chewable Tablets, kids, too, may benefit from calcium supplements. These pills include a vitamin D and vitamin C combination. Because children's growth and development need a certain number of nutrients, these pills serve as an excellent complement. Vitamin D in these pills helps to balance calcium and phosphate levels in the body. It aids in the health of the bones, muscles, and teeth. Vitamin C also helps to prevent the iron shortage and lowers the risk of heart disease. This makes it appropriate not only for youngsters but also for adults.

HealthOxide Calcium Tablets

The calcium and vitamin D combination in the HealthOxide Calcium Tablets will meet all of your health needs. To obtain all of the advantages, these pills are formulated with a mix of calcium and Vitamin D3. These pills provide you with your daily calcium requirements. The major advantage of these pills is that they help to strengthen bones. Our bones begin to degenerate as we get older. These medications, on the other hand, might help you avoid such situations. Furthermore, it will cure toothache and pain of any kind.

Vandelay Labs Chewable Vitamin D3 Tablets

We definitely recommend the Vandelay Labs Chewable Vitamin D3 Tablets if you desire total health advantages. Because of their nutritious makeup, these chewable pills may be ingested by people of all ages. Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, and Zinc are among the nutrients found in them. Vitamin D3 aids in the strengthening of bones and the alleviation of joint discomfort. It enhances joint mobility, allowing you to move more freely. It also looks after your cardiovascular health and immune system. Vitamin C is linked to improved cardiovascular health. It keeps your blood pressure in check while also protecting your body from infections and disorders.

Naturyz Calcium Plus Tablets

The Naturyz Calcium Plus Tablets include a special combination of nutrients. Calcium, Vitamin D2, magnesium, and zinc are all abundant in it. You receive the greatest supplement for your bones with such a strong mix in a single pill. Calcium is easily absorbed because of the presence of Vitamin D2. This aids in the achievement of greater results. Calcium is provided in the form of Calcium Citrate, which is bioavailable. This is not only quickly absorbed, but it also does not leave calcium deposits behind. These pills are readily absorbed and do not cause bloating or stomach upset.

Vitamin D Health Benefits

Healthy bones

Vitamin D aids in the management of calcium and the maintenance of phosphorus levels in the bloodstream. These elements are essential for sustaining bone health. Vitamin D is required for the intestines to activate and absorb calcium and recover calcium that the kidneys would otherwise excrete. Vitamin D deficiency in youngsters can induce rickets, which causes the bones to weaken, resulting in a severely bowlegged look. Similarly, osteomalacia, or bone softening, is a symptom of vitamin D insufficiency in adults. Osteomalacia causes muscle weakness and low bone density.

Reduced risk of flu

Some studies have revealed that vitamin D has a protective impact against the influenza virus, according to a 2018 assessment of available literature. However, the researchers looked at other studies that found vitamin D had no effect on flu and flu risk. To validate the preventive effect of vitamin D against the flu, more study is needed.

Healthy infants

In youngsters, vitamin D deficiency has been linked to elevated blood pressure. A 2018 study discovered a probable link between low vitamin D levels and stiffness in children's artery walls. According to studies, there is a link between low vitamin D levels and an increased risk of allergies.

Healthy pregnancy

According to a 2019 analysis, pregnant women who are vitamin D deficient are more likely to develop preeclampsia and give birth prematurely. Vitamin D deficiency has also been linked to gestational diabetes and bacterial vaginosis in pregnant women. It's also worth noting that high vitamin D levels during pregnancy have been linked to an increased risk of food allergy in children during the first two years of life, according to a 2013 study.

Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D insufficiency can cause bone density loss, which can lead to osteoporosis and fractures (broken bones).

Vitamin D deficiency can also contribute to the development of other disorders. It can induce rickets in youngsters. Rickets is an uncommon condition that causes softening and bending of the bones. Rheumatoid arthritis is more common among African American babies and children. Severe vitamin D deficiency in adults causes osteomalacia. Osteomalacia is characterized by brittle bones, discomfort in the bones, and muscular weakness.

Vitamin D is being studied for its potential links to a variety of medical disorders, including diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis. More study is needed before they can fully comprehend the impact of vitamin D on these illnesses.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is it possible to quickly increase my vitamin D levels?

Obtaining vitamin D in fruits and vegetables is difficult. It is mainly sourced by spending time in the sun every day, eating fatty fish or shellfish, or taking vitamin D tablets.

2. What causes low levels of vitamin D in the body?

Inadequate solar exposure and health problems, including gastrointestinal and liver ailments, might cause deficiency.

3. How does a lack of vitamin D affect the body?

Low vitamin D levels in the body can cause depression, hair loss, lethargy, and exhaustion.

The Bottom Line

It's easy to source vitamin D by eating various vitamin D foods listed above. Consuming enough vitamin D, however, may be challenging depending on a person's dietary habits. Keep in mind that too much vitamin D might cause the body to absorb too much calcium, increasing your risk of kidney stones and heart problems.

Spending time in the sun is still the most convenient method to receive your daily dosage of vitamin D. At least twice a week, get 15-20 minutes of midday sun exposure. If this is not possible, vitamin D tablets such as cod liver oil may be a good alternative.

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