1. What is This Pain?

A trigger point is a congested and inflammatory area of muscle tissue. It is a mini-contraction, a sort of knot. Merely pressing on this area with a finger is enough to cause pain or nervous system irradiation. There are trigger points in every muscle in the body and several triggers points may be found in the same muscle. They are most often connected with muscle fatigue or stress.

2. How Can i Ease The Pain?

A physiotherapist can sooth the pain, but also tackle the contraction, to repair your muscles. The session will start with a gentle massage or the application of heat to build trust and ensure greater tolerance of pain when the trigger zone is stimulated. Pressure should be applied with a finger, or sometimes a special hook, precisely, deeply and energetically, for 10/20 seconds. Often, several trigger points must be stimulated, accompanied by some passive, painless stretches to remove the pour contraction and bring relief. Sessions may be repeated depending on the results.

You can stimulate a trigger point yourself with the thumb, a massage ball or a small roller. You can also use a massage oil or balm containing essential oils and arnica in then carry out a few gentle stretches until movement becomes comfortable. If the pain continues in spite of all this, see a doctor.

3. Understand Better

In the case of lumbago or a contraction where the body is out of alignment, stimulating the trigger points on the pyramidalis will ease the pain. Many other pains can be improved through this technique. Examples include neck pain, headaches or migraines, but also certain sorts of tendinitis such as tennis elbow.

This method is a 'cousin' of acupuncture. Stimulating trigger points enables the easing of painful contractions linked to stress, burnout or overtraining.

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