What is a Plank Walk exercise and how does it work?

The walking plank, commonly referred to as the alternating hand plank, provides an upper body challenge. The plank is an exercise with an infinite number of variations, which is good because the original version is about as dull as an exercise may get, even if you spend every moment thinking about the amount of good you're doing your core.

Small changes are all that is required to get the most out of your typical plank. For example, with the side plank, turn yourself 90° to engage your obliques. The walking plank, also known as the commando plank, alternating hand plank, or plank up-down by some, may appear to be a significant difference, but it simply adds a little movement up and down. 

Step-by-Step guide on how to do plank walks

Given below is a step-by-step guide to plank walk exercise  You will learn how to do plank walk from this.

  • Begin in a lying plank position, resting on the forearms and drawing a straight line from your shoulders to your feet. 
  • Following that, while keeping your rigid plank posture, push upward from the ground, just one hand at a time, into the raised press-up position.
  • Make sure you are breathing correctly while engaging your core muscles. Keep the form and posture correct.
  • Keep your motions measured at first to make the exercise more difficult and to avoid becoming sloppy and drooping in the middle. 
  • Rather than striving for a specific number of reps, strive for a minute of walking plank.

Walking Plank Benefits

If you are thinking what are the walking plank benefits, then read below:

Core strengthening

Although the plank does not feel like a traditional stretch, it can significantly improve your flexibility. Dean claims that doing a basic plank lengthens and extends your hamstrings, which are the primary muscles at the rear of your upper leg that trigger pain when they get overly tight.

Improved balance and stability

A plank requires you to bear all of your body's weight on the toes and arms without toppling over. This enhances your balance, which is essential for managing your body's position. Having strong balance allows you to move in a safe manner, whether you're strolling to the mailbox or climbing up a mountain. Plus, as we age, balance concerns become more widespread, so it rarely hurts to stress your balance with routines like planks.

Full body workout

Though you may dislike the concept of a plank, you will get numerous benefits from this basic and no-equipment activity. This works all of your body's muscles. As a result, when you perform this, you are getting a full-body workout.

Promotes better posture

The plank encourages proper posture while strengthening your core. This is especially crucial if you slouch or sit at a desk all day, as many people do. The core muscles are in control of keeping your body straight and supporting your spine. This includes muscles such as the diaphragm, pelvic floor, internal obliques, and abs. Planks keep those muscles healthy and powerful, allowing them to easily brace your spine.

Enhances overall body strength

Do you enjoy performing multitasking moves? Planks work numerous muscles at the same time. To begin, the plank exercises your glutes and quadriceps.

These muscles assist propel you ahead, which is especially useful if you're into running. Powerful glutes and quads also help support the pelvis and knees, allowing you to move with less discomfort during exercise and daily tasks.

The plank also works the shoulders, arms, and core, which is your body's major stabilizer. The spine is in an even position when you're in a plank. This causes the core muscles to tighten and stabilize, ultimately strengthening them.

Here are some Plank walk exercise variations

1. Walking Plank with Arm Lift

  • Begin in the plank position.
  • Transfer your weight to your right forearm (or palm).
  • Straighten your left arm in front of you.
  • Hold for three seconds with your core taut.
  • Return your arm to the starting position slowly.
  • Repeat with the other arm.
  • Perform two to three sets of ten reps.

2. Walking Plank with Leg Lift

  • Start in a plank pose with your arms and feet on the floor to complete a plank with a leg lift. 
  • Raise one leg slowly 5 to 8 inches from the floor.
  • Count to two before lowering your leg to the ground.
  • Repeat with the other legs.
  • Perform two to three sets of ten reps.

3. Walking Plank with knee tuck

  • Begin in a push-up position.
  • Consider combining your lats and abs by softly pulling down beneath your armpits as you move.
  • Bring your opposing knee up to meet your opposite forearm.
  • Consider tucking your hips in by drawing up on the bottom of your abdominals.
  • Keep your line of sight above the tips of your fingers and avoid pushing backwards and excessively-activating your upper traps.

Common Mistakes to avoid while doing Plank walk exercise

To get the most out of this workout and minimize strain or injury, avoid these mistakes.

  • Arching your back: When you curve your back, you are not activating your abdominals properly, putting additional weight on your arms. Check to make sure your shoulders are down and wide.
  • Sagging hips: Once the abs have hit their tiredness maximum, your hips will begin to drop. That's a clue it's time to call it quits on your plank. If your hips appear to be drooping from the start, try spacing your feet a little wider and focusing on activating your abs.
  • Moving your head up: Your neck must be in line with the rest of your body, not slanted up, as this might cause neck strain. Maintain your gaze on the ground.

Safety Considerations for walking plank sets and reps

If you have an upper body injury, you should avoid doing planks. If you get shoulder pain, stop the activity. Planks are deemed safe for most pregnant women, though there might be some concern about putting stress on the wall of the abdomen. It may be advisable to adjust the plank and perform a side plank or an incline plank instead. Consult a medical professional or physical therapist to determine if this is an acceptable exercise for you.


The plank is a traditional workout that improves your entire body. The plank, in particular, assists to strengthen the core muscles, particularly those in your abdomen and lower back. A strong core is associated with decreased lower back pain, greater capacity to do daily chores, and improved athletic performance.

Start gently and focus on appropriate form if you're new to planks. This will assist you in targeting the right muscles and lowering your chance of injury. The plank, with its several variations, is an excellent core workout for individuals of all fitness levels.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long should a beginner hold a plank?

Strive for a 20-30 second plank when you initially start out. Practice this for a week, after which when you're ready, try maintaining it for 40-50 seconds, repeat, and build from there.

  1. Which is a walking plank alternative?

Reverse crunches are a terrific plank alternative for building up the lower rectus abdominis. Traditional crunches are more effective at focusing the upper and middle abs, therefore performing both crunch varieties is a good idea.

  1. How many calories does planking burn?

It burns about two and five calories each minute for most people. Planks build muscle and raise metabolism, which helps to maintain a greater rate of caloric burn at rest. They are a wonderful complement to a well-rounded training regimen that includes cardio workouts.

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