
Getting enough nutrients in your food is vitally necessary to ensure optimal height growth, even if your height is mostly determined by genetics. Even while you can't become any taller once you've hit your maximum height, certain foods to increase height can help you keep it off by preserving the strength and health of your bones, joints, and overall body.

For instance, protein is essential for proper development as well as the immune system and tissue repair. In addition to these micronutrients, the health of the bones, which is essential for growth, is influenced by calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and phosphorus. Probiotics, a category of helpful bacteria frequently found in fermented foods, have also been linked to increased growth in youngsters, according to recent research.

In this article, we will highlight the 13 best foods to increase height. To know more about which food helps to increase height, keep reading.

Can Food Make A Person Grow Taller?

Up until the conclusion of adolescence, a person's bones continue to lengthen as they grow. Epiphyses are growth plates found in bones. These growth plates fuse as puberty comes to a close, causing the person to stop developing. Some elements that affect a person's height growth include:

  • Genetics: How tall a person is is largely determined by genetics. According to some studies, genetics account for around 80% of an individual's height.
  • Sex: Females often cease developing by the time puberty is over, according to a 2017 article. At the age of 18, males often attain their final height.
  • Hormones: Hormones that the body produces can have an impact on a person's growth.

A person will stop increasing height once they reach adulthood. However, a person's height may be influenced by their general health and nutrition during their growth and development in childhood and adolescence. 

13 Foods That Make You Taller – Increase Your Height Naturally

1. Beans

Beans are a fantastic source of protein and are quite nutrient-dense. It has been demonstrated that protein raises levels of insulin-like growth factor 1, a crucial hormone that controls a child's increasing height. Additionally rich in iron and B vitamins, beans can help ward off anaemia, a disease marked by a deficiency in healthy red blood cells. Iron is not only necessary for tissue growth, but iron deficiency anaemia can also cause children to grow more slowly. Beans are also a good source of fibre, copper, magnesium, manganese, and zinc, among other elements. 

2. Chicken

Chicken is a great food to increase height because it is high in protein and several other crucial components. It's especially high in vitamin B12, a water-soluble vitamin that's essential for maintaining and gaining height. Taurine, an amino acid that controls bone growth and formation, is also abundant in it. Additionally, a 3-ounce (85-gram) meal of chicken has about 20 grams of protein. Chicken is a rich source of niacin, selenium, phosphorus, and vitamin B6, though the actual nutritional profile can vary slightly depending on the cut and cooking technique. 

3. Almonds

Many of the vitamins and minerals required for increasing height are abundant in almonds. They also have a lot of good fats and are rich in fibre, manganese, and magnesium. Almonds are also a good source of vitamin E, a fat-soluble vitamin and antioxidant. Stunted growth in youngsters is one of the significant negative effects of this vital vitamin deficit. Additionally, almonds might promote bone health. Almond consumption was found to prevent the growth of osteoclasts, a type of cell that destroys bone tissue, in one small trial involving 14 persons.

4. Leafy Greens

Leafy greens are superstars when it comes to increasing your height. Examples include spinach, kale, arugula, and cabbage. Leafy greens often contain a concentrated amount of vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium, though the precise amount of minerals varies between different varieties. Additionally, they include a lot of vitamin K, a substance that helps support increased bone density and height maintenance by supporting growth. Even one study including 103 women revealed a significant reduction in the likelihood of declining bone mass when greens were regularly consumed.

5. Yogurt

Protein is just one of the essential components found in yogurt that are crucial to increase your height. Greek yogurt has close to 20 grams of protein in just 7 ounces (200 grams). Some varieties also include probiotics, a class of beneficial bacteria that can aid in maintaining intestinal health. Probiotics have been found to enhance immune function, reduce inflammation, and, according to some studies, can aid in children's growth. In addition, yogurt is a great source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium, all of which are essential for bone metabolism.

6. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are not only colorful and adaptable, but they are also extremely healthy and can help you grow taller. They're particularly high in vitamin A, which helps enhance bone health and aid in height gain or maintenance. They also have both soluble and insoluble fibre, which can help your digestive health and make it easier for good bacteria to grow in your intestines. By maintaining a healthy gut flora, you may increase your body's ability to absorb nutrients and guarantee that you're getting the vitamins and minerals required for growth and development. Sweet potatoes also include significant amounts of vitamin C, manganese, vitamin B6, and potassium.

7. Quinoa

Quinoa is a type of seed that is very nutrient-dense and is frequently used in place of other grains to increase your height. It is one of the few plant-based foods that is considered a complete protein because it has all nine of the essential amino acids your body needs. Magnesium is another important nutrient that is found in large amounts in quinoa. It is an important part of bone tissue and helps increase bone mineral density. Also, quinoa has a lot of manganese, folate, and phosphorus in each serving, all of which are important for keeping bones healthy.

8. Eggs

Eggs are a true nutritional powerhouse and a great food to increase height in teenage. A single large egg has 6 grams of protein, making them unusually high in protein. They also have a lot of other nutrients, like vitamin D, which can help the body absorb calcium and keep bones healthy. According to a study, offering vitamin D supplements to kids with low vitamin D levels led to faster growth over 6 months. Also, a study with 874 kids found that kids who ate eggs often grew taller each month.

9. Berries

Berries are thought to be the best foods to help you grow taller because they have a lot of vitamin C, which helps tissues grow and heal. The most prevalent protein in your body, collagen, is also produced more frequently thanks to vitamin C. Collagen has been shown in studies to increase bone density and improve bone health, which may aid in height gain or maintenance. In addition, berries include a variety of additional vitamins and minerals, including fibre, vitamin K, and manganese.

10. Salmon

Omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in salmon, a fatty fish. A heart-healthy lipid called omega-3 fatty acids is essential for growth and development. Some research suggests omega-3 fatty acids may be involved in bone health and may encourage bone turnover for optimal growth. Furthermore, children who have low quantities of omega-3 fatty acids may experience more sleep issues, which can be detrimental to growth. Salmon also contains significant protein, B vitamins, selenium, and potassium.

11. Milk

Milk is frequently seen as an essential part of a balanced, nutritious diet. It can also assist growth by giving several nutrients, including calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, which are crucial for bone health. Additionally, studies have shown that cow's milk can promote children's increased growth and may boost muscle and weight gain. However, if there is an allergy or intolerance, milk should not be consumed.

12. Whole Grains

B vitamins, magnesium, calcium, selenium, zinc, and iron are abundant in whole grains, which also contain small levels of calcium. B vitamins in particular aid in cell and bone growth. For our bodies to generate the best bone matrix or structure for bone strength, zinc and iron are essential. According to studies, magnesium may increase bone density, and a lack of it may interfere with your body's capacity to absorb calcium.

13. Fruits

Fruits are a great source of fibre, vitamins, and minerals that are vital for healthy growth and development. Particularly for vegans, dried fruits including raisins, prunes, figs, and dried apricots are a good source of calcium. Vitamin C in fruits including grapefruits, oranges, lemons, pineapples, and papayas. Vitamin C is crucial for the synthesis of collagen, which serves as the building block for bone mineralization.

Other Ways To Encourage Growth And Development

  • Make frequent exercise a regular part of your child's day. Yoga poses like the Surya Namaskar and activities like swimming and spot jumping can all help extend the spine.
  • Encourage your child to participate in sports like volleyball or basketball. Running continuously while participating in these sports causes the brain centre to generate growth hormones, which is a beneficial reaction that promotes somatic growth. Playing in the early morning or late evening aids in the body's absorption of sunshine, which is crucial for the development of bones.
  • For growth and development to be stimulated, proper sleep is crucial. A study found that getting more sleep at night encouraged the release of growth hormones. To promote your child's physical growth, establish a strict waking and sleeping schedule.
  • It's crucial to keep a decent posture. The height of your child may be impacted by slouching or slumping, which can also lead to neck and back problems. As a result, it's crucial to pay attention to how they're standing, sitting, or sleeping.
  • Ask your child's paediatrician if they require any growth-promoting supplements. To keep track of their general health, make sure you take them for checkups every three months.


To encourage optimal growth and development, nutrition is crucial. You can improve your general health and increase or maintain your height by including a range of nutrient-dense foods that increase height in your diet. As a result, it's critical to eat a variety of healthy, nutrient-dense foods to make sure your body is receiving the vitamins and minerals it requires.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why am I not growing taller at 18?

Between the ages of 18 and 20, a person reaches their final height and then stops growing. Your body's long bones have growth plates at their ends, which multiply to increase your height. After you turn 18, these growth plates usually stop developing.

2. What factors influence height?

Height is influenced by genetics, hormonal changes, illnesses, diet and nutrition, and physical exercise.

3. Does milk make you grow taller?

Protein and calcium are substances found in milk that help bones grow healthily. But only kids and teenagers can use this.

4. What height should a 12-year-old be?

A 12-year-old girl's typical height is 55-64 inches (4'6-5'3) and a 12-year-old boy's average height is 54-63.5 inches (4'5-5'3).

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