
The gluteus maximus, the largest muscle in the body yet frequently the most neglected, is one of three muscles that make up your glutes. Even though you might only be interested in the looks, glute training has a tonne of other benefits. Regular glute exercise improves performance, function, and metabolism. Training your glutes is crucial for your metabolism and will pay off after your workout. Through this article, we will guide you about the 15 best butt exercises that will help you build stronger muscles.

What are glute muscles and how do you exercise them?

The gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus are three distinct muscles that make up the glutes, despite their appearance as one monolithic block. They aid in body stabilisation in a manner akin to the core.

Your glute muscles serve a variety of purposes as well. The gluteus maximus, the largest glute muscle in your body, really contracts during hip extension, such as during the upward phase of a deadlift. The sagittal plane of motion, or the forward-to-backwards movement you receive with flexion and extension, is where the gluteus maximus is most active. So, you should add exercises like the deadlift, squat, and glute bridge if you're searching for butt workouts that primarily target the gluteus maximus.

The smaller butt muscles that make up your "side butt," the gluteus medius and minimus, are referred to as your hip abductor muscles. When you move from side to side or in the frontal plane, these muscles are active. Two at-home butt workouts that truly work your hip abductor muscles are the lateral lunge and the monster walk.

Your glute muscles aid with hip extension, abduction, and rotation, therefore it's beneficial to perform a variety of exercises rather than concentrating on a single type of exercise. Also, since they help isolate each side, unilateral exercises like step-ups and staggered-stance deadlifts should be incorporated into your workout routine. This can show you which side of your body is weaker than the other, allowing you to correct the imbalance.

15 butt exercises to do at home

Glute Bridge

  • Hands at your sides, knees bent, and feet flat on the ground hip-width apart—these are the position for lying on your back. This is where everything begins.
  • Lift your hips a few inches off the ground with the help of your glutes, core, and heels until your body is in a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Maintain this position for a brief period, making sure to keep the band taut to prevent your knees from collapsing in.
  • Return to the starting position by gradually lowering your hips. That is one rep.

Barbell Hip Thrust

  • With your back to a bench, take a seat on the floor. Your feet should be hip-width apart and flat on the ground. Bend your knees. Relax your upper back on the edge of the bench and slowly rise or slide the bar across your legs and rest it in the crease of your hips. Plates should be placed on the ground if you're using them.
  • Drive through your heels to elevate your hips while keeping your upper back firmly on the bench.
  • Pause at the peak and tighten your glutes.
  • Lower your butt back towards the earth in a calm, controlled motion. That is one rep.

Reverse Lunge

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart as you stand. Put your hands on your hips or clasp them together in front of your chest. This is where everything begins.
  • Raise your right foot off the ground, step back about two feet, and land on your right foot's ball while keeping your heel off the ground. Your left quad and right shin should be roughly parallel to the floor as you bend both knees. To ensure that your back is flat and not arched or rounded, your body should bend slightly forward. Your butt and core should be engaged, and your left knee should be above your left foot.
  • To return to where you were, push through the heel of your left foot. It's one rep.
  • Do all of your reps on one side before moving on to the other leg. Alternating legs is an option as well.

Single-Leg Deadlift 

  • With a dumbbell in front of your legs with each hand, stand with your feet together. This is where everything begins.
  • Lift your left leg straight behind your body, hinging at the hips to bring your torso parallel to the floor, and lowering your weight towards the floor while shifting your weight to your right leg while maintaining a tiny bend in your right knee.
  • Hold your back straight. Your torso and left leg should be practically parallel to the floor at the bottom of the exercise, with your weight only a few inches off the ground.
  • Push through your right heel to rise straight and raise the weight back to the starting position while maintaining a tight core. Try to maintain the majority of your weight on your right foot as you lower your left leg back down to meet your right.
  • Squeeze your butt while you pause there. It's one rep.

Donkey Kick

  • Start on all fours with your core tightened and your wrists and knees under your shoulders.
  • Using your glutes and hamstrings to lift your right foot upward, kick it up and towards the ceiling.
  • Stop raising before your low back arches and maintain core stability to avoid toppling to the left. Keep in mind that this is a strength workout rather than a flexibility one.
  • Do each repetition on one side, then switch to the other.

Squat to Standing Crunch

  • Start with your hands in a prayer position or a fist at chest level, your feet hip-width apart, and your core engaged.
  • Squat by rotating your hips back, bending both knees until your thighs are parallel to the ground, and rotating your hips forward.
  • To perform a standing twisting crunch, lift your right knee while standing and twist it till it touches your left elbow.
  • Return your right foot to the ground, then instantly crouch down once more.
  • Next time, while standing, tap your left knee to your right elbow while performing a twisting crunch on the other side.
  • Repeat the previous step while switching sides.

Bulgarian Split Squat

  • Turn your back to the bench as you stand. Put the top of your right foot on the bench with the shoelaces down while keeping your left foot on the ground a few feet in front of the bench.
  • Put your hands behind your head and tighten your abdominal muscles.
  • To descend into a split squat, bend your knees. Ideally, your right knee should be hovering over the floor, and your left knee should make a 90-degree angle with your thigh.
  • Drive through your left heel to reposition yourself in the starting position.

Step-Up to Knee Raise

  • Position yourself in front of a sturdy low box, step stool, or the bottom step of a staircase with your feet hip-distance apart. Make sure your left foot lands completely on the box, stool, or stairs by taking a step with it.
  • Raise your right knee so that it is close to your chest. 
  • Step your left foot to the floor after bringing your right foot back to the floor under control to get back to where you were. That is one rep.

Goblet Squat 

  • Standing with your toes slightly turned out and your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, hold a weight in each hand in front of you so that it hangs vertically.
  • Maintain a lifted chest and a flat back as you shift your weight into your heels, push your hips back, and bend your knees to lower into a squat.
  • To perform one repeat while standing, pinch your glutes and push through your heels.

Kickstand Deadlift 

  • With a dumbbell in front of your legs with each hand, stand with your feet together. Keep your right foot flat on the ground as you advance with it. The working leg is this one.
  • Using your left foot as a type of kickstand, ascend utilising the ball of your left foot. This is where everything begins.
  • Hinge at the hips to bring your torso nearly parallel to the floor while maintaining a slight bend in your knees, decreasing your weight in that direction. Hold your back straight. The weights should be a few inches off the ground at the bottom of the movement.
  • Pull the weight back up to the starting position while maintaining a tight core. To stand upright, drive your right foot into the ground.
  • Squeeze your butt while you pause there. It's one rep.

Banded Lateral Walk

  • You can wrap the band over your knees or ankles. With your feet about hip-width apart and your hands at your chest or on your hips, stand in a quarter-squat (a shallow squat).
  • To make your feet wider than hip-width, step to the right with your right foot. Put your left foot in front of you to bring your feet back to hip-width distance.
  • Step three times to the right, three times to the left, and three times back. It's one rep.

Curtsy Lunge

  • Put your hands on your hips or hold them together in front of your chest as you stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. This is where everything begins.
  • Stride back with your right foot diagonally, bending your right knee almost to the floor. You should bend your front knee to roughly 90 degrees.
  • To get back up and return to the beginning position, drive through your left heel.
  • On the opposite side, repeat. That is one rep. Continue switching.

Side-Lying Leg Lift

  • Lay on your left side with your legs straight out in front of you. Hold your head up with your left hand.
  • Your top leg should be raised 45 degrees; slowly lower it. That is one rep.

Skater Hop

  • Place your feet hip-width apart as you stand. Lift your right leg and leap to the right. After extending your left leg, move.
  • Once you land on your right foot, swing your left foot behind you while keeping it elevated. Swing your left hand in front of your torso and your right arm behind your back.
  • Jump while swinging your left leg back to the left, enabling your right foot to swing behind you as you land lightly on your left foot. Swing your right arm in front of you and your left arm behind you.
  • Continue by switching sides.

Sumo Squat

  • With your toes pointed out, stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Kettlebells should be held at the handle with both hands at the chest. This is where everything begins.
  • Engage your core, press your hips back, bend your knees to lower into a squat, shift your weight into your heels, and keep your back flat and your chest up. Keep your spine extended and your chest open.
  • To perform one repeat while standing, pinch your glutes and push through your heels.


Butt exercises are a crucial part of any strength training programme because they help prevent injuries and improve performance. There is a tonne of fantastic butt workouts available that engage these crucial glute muscles in different ways. But first, it's crucial to comprehend what we mean when we talk about your glutes before we start with all the butt exercises. Continue reading to learn more about the butt workouts described above.

Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to build a butt?

But, depending on the food, exercise, and body type, some people may discover that it takes 10–12 weeks to detect a change in their glute growth.

Are glutes easy to grow?

It can be difficult to develop your glutes, particularly if you already perform squats and lunges. If you have trouble building glutes, you probably need to focus your glute exercises more and examine your nutrition more carefully.

How long can you work out your glutes?

These last only 15 to 20 minutes each, which is quite short for body-part-specific workouts. As a result, you have the option of using them as standalone workouts or as components of a lengthier programme.

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