As parents, you want to protect your child in each and every possible way, so why stop in the swimming pool right? We will, therefore, take stock of what is happening in our pools and how to improve the problems related to hygiene and to keep your child protected. 

pool hygenie

The swimming pool.. is it really a breeding ground for bacteria? 

In India, we are surrounded by hundreds of people all the time, yes even in our swimming pools (unless you have a private pool) and as parents, you are worried about our children's' safety on land and especially inside the water. 

So is this fear really justified or is it overhyped like everything else?  We have heard a lot on the subject, especially in the hot and humid Indian summers. The "breeding ground" concept was mentioned in certain media to report on the cleanliness of our pools. It's not down completely to the maintenance staff but also because we swimmers do not apply the rules in the pools. In each establishment, the shower + footbath routine is obligatory.

Chlorine is present in the pools to protect us from the bugs found in water. However, getting in the pool with an undeniable level of hygiene is paramount This means a shower, swimsuit and accessories made for the pool and not the beach. If you follow these instructions then you can be sure of your child's safety and well being.

improve hygiene in swimming pool

How can we improve this hygiene problem? 

"A stitch in time saves nine" . For having a healthy and safe swimming session, for you and your children.

There is not much we have to do in order to maintain pool hygiene. The most important is undoubtedly the shower. And when we say shower, we do not mean just rinsing off with water. We are talking about a full shower using shower gel, shampoo and make-up remover. You have to rinse off those extra oils that we apply on us.

For the little ones, the shower is just as important. It is important to put a waterproof nappy underneath their swimsuit to avoid any accidents. A mesh swim cap is also advised for little ones as well as a pair of swimming goggles to protect their eyes from chlorine. You can also opt for full-length Swimsuits. For an added layer of protection and also it keeps them warm. Improving hygiene problems is down to the swimmers now. Do not hesitate to spread the word to those around you and make sure you observe all these rules on your next visit to the pool.eir eyes from chlorine. You can also opt for full-length Swimsuits. For an added layer of protection and also it keeps them warm.

Improving hygiene problems is down to the swimmers now. Do not hesitate to spread the word to those around you and make sure you observe all these rules on your next visit to the pool.


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