What changed for Cyclists post covid?

It’s probably difficult to see a silver lining in the middle of a pandemic that has been wreaking havoc all over the world. But we cannot ignore the few positives that have emerged during these unprecedented times. To mention one and the most obvious one is that the skies over our otherwise polluted cities have turned azure blue, and the air, unusually fresh. 

Image Source: https://7news.com.au

The impact of vehicular pollution on the air is pretty clear, almost as clear as the air right now which has taken a surprisingly positive turn for cyclists as more and more cities in India are promoting and encouraging cycling to be a means of transport post the lockdown. 

Listed below are the affairs that are in favour of a cyclist and the environment around us.

1. Green signals for cycles but not for cars and motorcycles

Cities like Bangalore and Bhubaneswar have completely allowed cycling from May 13th onwards though there are restrictions on cars and motorbikes. 

2. We have bicycle mayors across the country going live on social media to promote cycling during and post-Lockdown. 

We have the bicycle Mayor of Bangalore Mr Sathya Sankaran who did seek to have a separate bicycle lane in the outer ring road. We have more and more cycling lanes being proposed and sanctioned across the country. 

3. Globally the number of cyclists on the road has increased dramatically.

When more than 90% of public transport across the globe has been shut down there has been a 70% increase in the number of people using bicycles. 

Here are a few highlights in the current affairs proposing cycle lanes in major cities

4. The industry is gearing up for a surge in bike sales. 

Countries such as China, Germany, France, UK show a spike in the number of bikes sold. The same will be the case in India as the Federation of Industrial and Commercial Organisation organize a webinar for bicycle industrialists.

Image source:https://bycs.org/bicycle-mayors-of-india-leading-by-example/

5. Lots of cycling activity already up on heat maps different trackers

Strava heat map
 Bangalore heatmap over the weekend

6. Safer and easier to Commute on Cycles over Public Transport right now

Public transport is scarce right now and even if slowly they're becoming functional like buses, taxis and autos, there is still a sense of fear. Use your cycle to run errands or for your short commutes. You won't regret the decision

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