Seasonal memories are the best- they give you that burst of nostalgia as they beckon you down the cherished memory lane. As the nip in the air touches our skin, aren’t we all transported back to those glorious afternoons and evenings, staying out to play badminton. Chasing the sub as we chased the perfect score, badminton has been etched into our minds as the sport for the winters. Yet, with advancement of time and our busy schedule, we happened to have forgotten the time spent with this sport. Well, bring that zeal back and get into the habit of playing Badminton- it’s never too late!

Now that we have inspired you, the first thing that you have to do get your hands on a good racket! Choosing your racket is a critical task as it reflects upon how your skills and game will turn out. Worried about finding the perfect one for you? Fret not, here are some simple ways to choose your racket:

1. Weight 

We bet you didn’t know this! The weight of the racket is often an important starting point while heading out to purchase it. Essentially, weight of the racket is denoted by “U” symbol and here’s the fun part-the number is inversely proportional to the original weight. In short,  the smaller the number, the heavier the weight of the badminton racket. An ideal badminton racket usually weighs around 80g to 100g. Here is a chart that can help you get an idea of how much a racket weights:

4U: 80-84g

3U: 85-89g

2U: 90-94g

1U: 95-100g

Now, your expertise in badminton and the level at which you play can help you determine which weight of racket should you buy. Lightweight badminton rackets ideally weight from 85-89g I.e 3U. They are apt for beginners as they are easy to manoeuvre, being light on wrists and shoulders and reducing the chances of injury. The type of game you play- singles or doubles help you determine too. Singles prefer 3U for stability whereas double players favour 4U owing to their faster reaction time.

2. Playing Frequency

Your playing game and frequency can form an important part of choosing a racket. It’s an obvious fact that seasoned players have a different choice and requirement from a beginner. The frequency at which you intend to play can help you decide, too

Occasional Player

Badminton may be an occasional respite from your day-to-day humdrum, yet you should pick your racket wisely! Pick a racket, which will have a larger surface area, to make your initial games smoother and less strenuous. Rackets with isometric heads are best for you.

Regular Player

You like your game at the frequency of your tea- regular and at a particular level. Hence, an upgrade from the beginner would do. This calls for a racket that has power and provides you with just the right impact to deliver. A racket with a balance point at the head will do this, making the make delivery easy yet impactful.

Intensive Players

Oh, we know you right! Your powerful hits come with the finesse of an angel! Your games are intense yet sublime- just the way you like it! Your priority lies in the control of the racket- a feat that elevates your strikes. The perfect match for you is a racket with a balance point at the handle. This bridges the gap between the strike and reaction, enhancing your game to new levels.  

3. Balance Point

Now that we have put weight and frequency behind, another feat that you need to keep in mind is the balance point. Did you know that rackets can be categorised by their balancing point? This is where the weight of the racket is largely located. To determine this, place a finger just slightly below the head of the racket. Check which way the racket tilts, amongst these three:

Head-Heavy Balance

A head-heavy racket is typically heavy towards the head of the racket. These rackets exude power in strokes and are perfect for people who like to add some power to their game.

Head-Light Balance

This type of racket have less weight towards the head of the racket. They are easy to manoeuvre and provide perfect control, with an excellent swing. These respond rapidly against opponents, while decreasing the chances of injury and muscle strain. . 

Even Balance

This racket is a beauty as it is designed to be the middle ground between a head-heavy and head-light balance racket. This is perfect for beginners as you often start as unsure of what your gameplay would be.

Post establishing your style of play,  the transition to Head-Heavy or Head-Light versions would-be easy, improving your overall game.

4. String Tension

Along with the surmounting tension that arises in your game, what you also need to pay a heed to is string tension. To test the tension of Tour racket, press your palm against the strings, to see  how far it sinks. It is said that 1mm sunken depth of the strings is the ideal tension for most players. Now, for more force and impact, you need a racket that is high on string tension, where as for  beginners, 22 – 23 lbs is a good tension to start with.

5. Hand Grip

Finally, we move to grips of the racket. A bad gauging of grip can cause major accidents. You need to check out the type and the size of the grip. For type, you have towel and synthetic to choose from. While towel grips are soft and sweat absorbent, they need frequent changing as they are prone to accumulate bacteria. Synthetic grip, on the other hand, might be less messy but there is the constant discomfort that you have to take into consideration. As for size, rackets come in 4 sizes. Bigger grips are for powerful strikes and tighter feel, while smaller are preferred by people who bank on their reflexes and agility. 


Now that we have provided you a set list of things to look out for, while choosing a racket, head to Decathlon and explore our vast range- you will surely find the perfect racket for yourself!

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