
In its literal form, Urdhva Dhanurasana, also known as Chakrasana, is an "upward-facing bow." However, the Wheel Pose has gained popularity over the years.

The word “Chakarasan” is derived from the Sanskrit words "Chakra" and “Asana,” referring to the Chakrasana posture. The wheel pose, also known as a Chakrasana, is a yoga asana that bends backwards. In Sanskrit, chakra means “wheel.” The Wheel Pose appears in its ultimate position. Your spine becomes more flexible with this asana. It is known as Chakrasana because when you perform this asana, your body practically assumes a semi-circular posture. Are you curious to learn more about the Chakra Asana? In this article, we gather complete information about Chakrasana

What is Chakrasana?

Chakrasana, also known as Urdhva Dhanurasana, is a familiar yoga pose that many perform to strengthen and stretch their spines. The "Wheel Pose," or as most folks like to call it, the Upward Facing Bow Pose, is a vital part of Ashtanga Yoga, a kind of yoga that, among other different advantages, improves heart health, relieves stress, burns fat, and serves as a cardio workout. Sri K. Pattabhi Jois first popularised this kind of yoga in 1975. It calls for rapid, continuous Ashtanga position repetition.

It is said that the Chakrasana posture aligns the seven chakras of your body by strengthening your physical and mental health, including the Muladhara (the Root Chakra), situated at the base of your spine; the Svadhisthana (the Sacral Chakra), Manipura (the Navel Chakra), Anahata (the Heart Chakra), Vishuddha (the Throat Chakra), Ajna (the Third Eye Chakra), and Sahasrara (the Crown Chakra). There are numerous benefits of Chakrasana; to know the benefits, read on. 

What are the benefits of Chakrasana?

The position known as wheel pose belongs to the backbend family, which includes poses done with the spine extended. Utilising these positions is claimed to open up your heart and chest, allowing you to breathe more deeply. They may also activate the adrenal glands. You will get the actual benefits of wheel pose if you do this yoga daily. 

Chakrasana, also known as Urdhva Dhanurasana, provides a deep stretch for the hip flexors, shoulder muscles, and spinal extensors that strengthen through this pose. Additional wheel pose benefits are mentioned below: 

  • Improves flexibility of your body through this chakra asana.
  • Sharpness eyesight
  • It eases your body's tension and stress. 
  • It bolsters the hands' and legs' muscles.
  • It activates the kidney, spleen, and liver processes. 
  • It enhances blood circulation.
  • It slims down belly fat and tones the reproductive and digestive systems. 
  • It boosts your stamina. 
  • It takes the body and mind's dreariness away.
  • It is beneficial for osteoporosis and infertility.
  • You experience tranquillity and mental clarity.
  • It eliminates fatigue and restores your sense of vigour.

How to do Chakrasana (wheel pose) step by step?

The optimal time to do this is 4 to 6 hours after eating a meal. The explanation is that food that has been digested gives the body energy, which is crucial for this yoga routine. However, it is best to do this yoga asana early in the morning, around sunrise, as per yoga experts. It's not necessary. You can also perform the Chakrasana pose in the evening. Here are the main points of how to do Chakrasana.

  • Sit on the ground and relax. Keep your feet firmly placed on the ground near your bottom while supporting your knees.
  • Make sure your fingers are spread out and place your hands behind your shoulders, close to your ears.
  • To find your ideal position, adjust your body. Use your legs to support your weight to raise your lower body.
  • Afterwards, try arching your body upwards while pressing your feet and palms together. Let your head softly droop.
  • Be sure to breathe evenly.
  • Keep your body there and focus on your breathing. Your back should be gently lowered to the ground as you maintain steady breathing. 
  • Before beginning another workout or activity, lie down for a while to give your body a chance to relax. 

Following the Chakrasana steps mentioned above, you can perform the asana and get the benefits of the wheel yoga pose rigorously. Please do not confuse yourself about how to do Chakrasana; it's simple. 

What are the different names for Chakrasana?

Chakrasana is an advanced and intermediate asana that anyone can perform and will strengthen their bodies and increase their mobility through this asana. In different regions, it has gained popularity under other names, such as

  • In English: it is known as the "Wheel pose."
  • In Sanskrit: it is known as Chakrasana. 
  • Another name is Urdhva Dhanurasana, which means (upward-facing bow pose).

Who can do Chakrasana? (Wheel Pose)

As you all get to know the benefits of Chakrasasana; people of all ages can accomplish the Chakrasana, such as: 

  • Teens
  • Adults
  • Seniors 
  • People who have had surgery and have recovered
  • A person who has recovered from an injury.

Who should avoid doing Chakrasana? (Wheel Pose)

The Chakrasana is an advanced pose; therefore, a particular type of person should not perform the pose. People who are: 

  • Pregnant women should strictly stay away from this asana.
  • People who suffer from back pain
  • People who have cardiovascular problems. 
  • People who have migraines
  • People who have hernias
  • People suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome 
  • People who have gastrointestinal issues at the moment
  • People who are dealing with low blood pressure problems must avoid this asana. 
  • People who have spinal problems.

How can you modify Chakrasana (Wheel Pose)?

It is simple to alter this asana to make it easy. You can use props like yoga blocks to make this asana easier. As a beginner, it helps you to stay comfortable and stable in the pose. You can easily stretch and hold Chakrasana with the help of these yoga modifications. The advantages of performing Chakrasana with a change are improving your body’s alignment and focus.  

Some Modifications of Chakrasana for Beginners

Support your hands or feet on a few yoga blocks while you do the Chakrasana modified yoga pose. Be sure to brace the blocks against the wall. The following postures naturally lead to chakrasana if you wish to intensify your practice: 

  • Ek Pada Chakrasana: This posture, also known as the one-legged wheel pose, is performed by raising one leg off the ground. Your strength and balance will improve by performing Chakrasana on one leg.

  • Eka Hasta Chakrasana: This version of the yoga posture Chakrasana, known as one-armed wheel post or one-handed wheel pose, requires you to pull off one hand and lay it on your chest or the opposite shoulder. Only people with higher levels of flexibility should try this variant. 

What are the poses to progress to wheel posing?

  • Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

To set yourself up for Wheel Pose, you should first perform Bridge Pose. If you have limited mobility or an injury that prevents you from reaching overhead, keeping your arms down by your side can be an excellent alternative for chest opening.

To do so: 

  • On your back, lie down.
  • Kneel on the floor and spread your legs hip-width apart.
  • Lift your pelvis as you inhale.
  • You can grab the outer edges of your mat or roll your arms underneath you.
  • Hold for 6 seconds. 
  • On an exhale, come down. 

  • Supported Fish Pose Variation (Matsyasana)

Sometimes the difficulty lies in your strength rather than your flexibility. A supported fish pose in the blocks with your arms extended aloft is an excellent technique to expand the shoulders and chest without a weight-bearing position. 

  • Place two blocks at the top of your mat. It is usually set to medium (sitting on one long side) and highest (sitting on one short end, vertically).
  • On the first block, place your shoulder blades and your head.
  • Step forward with your feet hip-width apart while bending your knees.
  • Legs should be straight and actively extended through.
  • Start slowly, taking your arms behind your ears toward the back of the room, over your chest.
  • Keep your arms overhead or move them dynamically up and down.
  • Lower your arms after 10 breaths.
  • Roll to one side, bending your knees.


Even while regular yoga practice can lead to better health, it should be understood that it cannot replace medical care. Yoga should always be studied and rehearsed under the guidance of a certified teacher. If you have a medical issue, after speaking with a doctor, start practising Chakrasana only under the supervision of an expert. Sometimes, we focus on the appearance of a position when it would be preferable to concentrate on how it feels.

While Urdhva Dhanurasana in its entirety can be uplifting and expansive, if you're in pain or endangering your body, you're probably not accessing your heart, which is the true goal of any backbend. Fortunately, Wheel Pose can be made more approachable and exciting with yoga equipment and variants.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the best time to do Chakrasana?

You can do the Chakrasana at any time, but ensure that you do the asana for 4 to 5 hours after meals. To get the precise benefit of Chakra Asana, it is best to do this in the early morning, around sunrise. 

2. What happens if we do Chakrasana daily?

With consistent practice, Chakrasana can help you lose belly fat. It also helps flatten your stomach, which is an added benefit. You should begin practising this asana daily if you want to tone your midsection. 

3. Which yoga is best for glowing skin?

Yoga Sarvangasana, also known as a shoulder stand, is one of the best poses for glowing skin. Through the promotion of blood circulation toward the face, it improves the texture and quality of your skin. Practising it three to five times daily will help eliminate pimples, acne, wrinkles, and dullness.

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Chakrasana?

Asanas have an ancient history, with the daily practice of yoga making you healthy and younger. But if you are not adequately aware, you will face the consequences. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of the Chakrasana.

The advantages of the Chakrasana:

  • Increase energy and heat. 
  • Open the chest and lungs. 
  • Increases core and hip flexor flexibility.
  • Strengthen the arms, spine, legs, and abdomen.

The disadvantages of the Chakrasana:

  • If individual bones are brittle, there is a higher chance of fracture. 
  • If you are pregnant, you can induce miscarriage. 
  • Increase the back problem 
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