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Suresh Daniel

Environmentalist, Walking Enthusiast, Sport Leader Walking

Walked from Kashmir to Kanyakumari - 3800 kms


I am from Bangalore but I was working in a hotel in Singapore till 2017. I've been passionate and concerned about the environment from a very early age. While growing up, news about the earthquake in Gujarat, Tsunami's in different places across the globe created within me a sense of fear and interest toward the environment. I was always busy planting. I wanted to keep the portico in front of my house full of plants. During my tenure in Singapore and seeing how eco-friendly the country is, it urged me to bring a change in my own country. I was already fighting for environmental causes like pollution, use of plastic bags, etc. The biggest trigger for me was when I heard about 10000 trees being cut down in Delhi for housing developments. I knew I had to return and do something.

Articles by AuthoR
Kanyakumari to Kashmir - Walking for the Environment

I know that a lack of awareness and education is a big cause why so many of us are indifferent toward the environment. I wanted to do something that makes people stop, notice and think.

Suresh Daniel
September 26, 2019
min read
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