Who or what inspired you to do what you’re doing now?

I read a lot of yoga literature during my spare time. I was particularly drawn to the teachings of Sri Krishnamacharya, known as the father of modern yoga and as a teacher to legends like BKS Iyengar and Pattabi Jois. I nurtured an ambition for years to get trained as a teacher from his institute and it was a dream come true when I finally enrolled for coveted 500-hour Teacher Training Certificate, last year.

I meditate on my Guru Sri Krishnamacharya every day to gain inspiration and transmit his teaching to my students to help them achieve the highest state of Yoga. I admire TKV Desikachar, son of Krishnamacharya, a teacher par excellence, a prolific writer and teacher to many brilliant minds like J Krishnamurti.  He has been instrumental in reaching Krishnamacharya's teachings to the world.

 Any childhood memory or experience that motivated you?

As a child, I was fascinated by the mystics and yogis who gained extraordinary powers by doing yogic practices. I dreamt of attaining supernatural powers and started practicing yoga. However, after becoming a yoga teacher it’s more about helping my students and the community through yoga and meditation and spreading the true spirit of yoga for the benefit of humanity. 

What keeps you motivated and inspired? Basically what keeps you going?

I’m driven by the progress my students are making through yoga practice. Yoga heals, removes pain, fosters a positive attitude, makes one physically strong, corrects irregular breathing so that Prana (life force energy) flows smoothly. It gives me immense joy when I see yoga transforming lives.

motivate and inspire



Let's practice this holistic approach to health and well-being together at Decathlon Anubhava Store with Yogi Sai Bhatt


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