
You took your dog on an extra-long walk, or went swimming with a group of friends, or went kayaking on your camping vacation. What is the state of your muscles? They are sore since you don't usually work out with them.

While athletes must train particularly for their sport to thrive, cross-training fitness improves your overall aerobic capacity, build overall muscle strength, and lower the risk of an overuse injury by doing both riding and swimming once a week. 

Cross-training benefits you to improve your cardio, muscle strength, and recovery time. While many individuals like to go to the gym and swim, strength train or use an elliptical or rowing machine, there are alternative ways to cross-train that can benefit your overall fitness regimen.

Let's take a closer look at how you can cross-train to stay fit and healthy.

Table Of Contents

  1. Cross-Training: Meaning
  2. Cross-Training Exercises/Activities For Beginners
  3. The Importance & Benefits Of Cross-Training
  4. How To Create An Effective Cross-Training Routine
  5. A Sample Program
  6. Frequently Asked Questions 
  7. The Bottom Line 

Decathlon is your one-stop store for anything related to sports and fitness. We want to make sports more accessible to everyone across the world by selling world-class equipment at incredibly low prices, both for enthusiastic beginners and devoted pros. We remain committed and dedicated to sports with over 2,000 outlets in 56 countries on five continents and a team of over 1,00,000 passionate people.

Cross-Training: Meaning

Cross-training is a technique to mix up your workout routine by combining several sorts of exercises. It is critical to incorporate a variety of exercises throughout your workout. Workouts with little variation increase your chances of injuring yourself due to repetitive strain or overuse. Cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and flexibility activities like yoga or Pilates make up a perfect cross-training plan.

Cross-training has various advantages, including full-body conditioning, improved skill, agility, and balance, training plan flexibility, and the ability to train when injured. The most essential advantage of cross-training is that it decreases the chance of injury by working for specific muscle groups while leaving others alone.

Consider the various components of fitness and choose training styles that will target all of them with a varied workout schedule:

Cardiovascular Fitness: Swimming, elliptical and stair climber equipment, and running, jogging, cycling.
Muscle endurance and strength: Bodyweight workouts, lifting, powerlifting, CrossFit, pilates.
Flexibility: Stretching and yoga.

Begin by increasing the time, intensity, and complexity of your exercises gradually. Try to stick to the "10 per cent rule," which states that you should increase your exercise frequency, duration, and intensity by no more than 10% per week. Cross-training will benefit your health and fitness level, even if you don't see benefits right away. Physical activity improves your chances of living a longer, healthier, and more self-sufficient life.

Cross-Training Exercises/Activities For Beginners

Variety in your activities is one of the best methods to include cross-training into your daily workout routine. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways. You can either devote each session to a certain type of exercise - for example, running one day, rowing the next, cycling the next, and so on. Alternatively, you can complete a variety of exercises in a single session.

Cross-Training Exercises At Gym

The gym is an excellent location for a cross-training workout. There is a wide range of equipment available for you to utilise. Elliptical trainers, treadmills, cycling machines, rowing machines, free weights, functional training equipment, and a variety of resistance devices are just a few examples.

Cross-Training Exercises At Home

If you can't get to the gym, there are lots of workouts you can do at home with minimal equipment. These include body-weight exercises like sit-ups, press-ups, squats, and lunges, as well as burpees, which are a wonderful way to vary up your workout routine. You can go on a bike ride or even just play football in the back garden if you have one.

Cross-training sessions are chosen based on a variety of factors, including the client's interests and performance goals. Here are some suggestions for adding variation and achieving certain objectives. 

1. Bodyweight Strength Training

It can be difficult to incorporate cardio for those who enjoy lifting and want to achieve hypertrophy and strength. Try a circuit of bodyweight exercises, such as leaping lunges, squats, and pushups, for a quick workout. This will hit strength while also getting your heart beating for a terrific cardio exercise.


HIIT (high-intensity interval training) is an excellent activity to incorporate for your bored customer. Instead of spending 30 minutes on the treadmill, try a 15-minute interval exercise. Regular HIIT workouts can be enjoyable, and they can also help you improve your cardiovascular fitness and endurance for other activities such as cycling and running.

3. Sports

Tennis sessions, racquetball games, or exercises on the soccer field are all options for those interested in participating in actual sports. Sporting activities can be enjoyable while also improving agility, reaction time, power, and speed, as well as general fitness.

4. Yoga or Pilates

The usage of body weight and a slower tempo are two things that these two workouts have in common. Individuals who consistently lift large weights or prefer high-intensity, quick exercises. Both workouts increase muscle strength, but yoga is particularly beneficial for flexibility.

5. Power Lifting

Powerlifting is a great way to add variety to your workouts while also improving muscle strength and endurance. This is also a terrific cross-training routine for any amateur athletes in sports like swimming and jogging, as well as anyone looking to gain confidence or reduce weight.

6. Rollerblading

This may appear to be an unusual suggestion, yet it has certain advantages. It's akin to working out on an elliptical trainer, with gradual, rhythmical arm and leg movements. It gives you a strong aerobic workout while not placing too much strain on your joints. However, don't coast too much or you won't reap the benefits.

7. Swimming

Swimming is an excellent addition to any fitness routine, particularly as a cross-training activity for runners. Because of the additional resistance provided by the water, it exercises the entire body at once and aids in the development of strength and aerobic fitness. Swimming also reduces the risk of injury because the water supports the joints perfectly.

8. Zumba

Any runner can benefit from a Zumba session as part of their cross-training regimen. It's excellent for increasing cardiac fitness and strengthening a variety of muscle groups. These muscles include hip-strengthening muscles, which are crucial for running. However, over-exercising your calf muscles can result in calf muscle disorders, so be cautious!

The Importance & Benefits Of Cross-Training

Cross-training is an excellent approach to condition different muscle groups, learn new abilities, and avoid boredom after months of doing the same workout routines. Cross-training also allows you to change the amount of stress you put on various muscles or your cardiovascular system. Here are just a few of the many established advantages of cross-training:

1. Improved Total Fitness

Activities that enhance muscular fitness, as well as aerobic conditioning, can be included in cross-training. While an individual's muscular fitness gains will be fewer than if he or she merely did strength training, the additional benefits of building muscular strength and endurance can pay off handsomely. Resistance training, for example, has been demonstrated in studies to help people avoid injury, control their weight, and enhance their functional capacity.

2. Lower Risk Of Injuries

Individuals can exercise more frequently and for longer periods of time without overworking particularly vulnerable regions of the body by spreading the cumulative level of orthopaedic stress over more muscles and joints (e.g., knees, hips, back, shoulders, elbows, and feet). Low-impact exercises such as elliptical training, cycling, and swimming should be included in the routines of people who are prone to lower-leg difficulties as a result of long-distance running. Competitive cross-trainers, on the other hand, can suffer from overuse injuries as a result of insufficient muscle recovery, an uneven workout regimen, or both.

3. Improved Adherence To Exercises

According to research on exercise adherence, many people abandon fitness regimens because they are bored or injured. Cross-training is a safe and simple approach to add variation to your workout routine. In the process, it can help to promote long-term exercise adherence by lowering the risk of injury and eliminating or minimising the likelihood of boredom.

4. Better Performance

If you want to improve your swimming ability, the best thing you can do is to swim frequently. Cross-training, on the other hand, can provide some additional benefits that will increase your fitness and performance. Regularly practising yoga, for example, can help you learn to control your breathing and increase your flexibility, both of which will help you become a more effective swimmer.

5. Weight Loss

People who wish to reduce weight and body fat should follow a workout routine that allows them to burn a large number of calories safely. According to research, the ideal way to achieve this goal is to exercise for a long time (more than 30 minutes) at a moderate intensity level (i.e., 60 per cent to 85 per cent of maximal heart rate). By combining two or more physical activities in a cross-training plan, overweight people can efficiently reduce their body weight and fat storage.

6. Other Benefits
  • Exercising multiple muscle groups may help your muscles adapt more easily to new tasks. 
  • Including a variety of activities in your fitness regimen will assist reduce boredom.
  • Allows you to be more adaptable in terms of your training requirements and strategies.
  • Enables you to continue training even if you're injured.
  • Improves your skill, agility, and balance by working some muscles while others rest and recover. 
  • Conditions the complete body, not just specific muscle groups.

How To Create An Effective Cross-Training Routine

The possibilities are unlimited when it comes to creating a cross-training plan. The idea is to choose exercises that require motions that are distinct from your usual activities. Choose activities from each group below to create your own customised cross-training plan. Aim to employ this cross-train program at least once or twice a week, depending on how often you work out.

Cardiovascular Exercise

While cardio focuses on the heart and lungs, these exercises all target different muscle groups. Cycling, racquetball/basketball/other court sports, rope jumping, rowing, running, skating (inline or ice), skiing, stair climbing, or swimming are all good options for cross-training sessions. Consider incorporating speed, agility, and balancing activities into your normal aerobic routine.

Strength Training

Strength training raises your metabolism while increasing muscle and bone strength. It also improves balance and coordination. Callisthenics, such as push-ups, crunches, and pull-ups, free weights, tubing and bands, and weight machines are some of the activities.

Flexibility And Balance Training

At any age or degree of physical activity, flexibility and balance are essential for general wellness. Stretching after a workout, regardless of the sort of exercise you undertake, is critical for reducing pain and damage. BOSU balance training, Pilates, Stretching, and Yoga are all good additions to your workout routine.

Cross-train at least once or twice a week in place of your routine or as additional workouts, depending on your current training schedule and available time. You can undertake one type of exercise every day or more than one with cross-training. You can modify the sequence in which you do them if you do both on the same day. You may simply personalise cross-training to your specific demands and interests by combining sports and changing your regimen regularly.

A Sample Program

A weekly cross-training regimen that is well-balanced might look like this:

  • Three times a week for at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity. Walking, swimming, dancing, and stair climbing are all good alternatives.
  • Strength training: Work with each major muscle group for at least 30 minutes twice a week (not on consecutive days). On alternate days, try new workouts for each muscle group or use different resistance items like free weights or stretch tubing.
  • Every day, for at least 5 to 10 minutes, do a flexibility exercise. Stretching exercises can be done daily, but warm up your muscles first with a short walk or other aerobic activity.

Frequently Asked Questions 

1. Who can do cross-training? 

Cross-training can be done by anyone, whether a professional athlete or a novice. Cross-training will improve your strength, power, speed, endurance, agility, and balance, which will benefit you in all sports and everyday life. In today's world, such physical characteristics are expected of everyone.

2. Can beginners start doing cross-training? 

Cross-training, contrary to popular opinion, is completely beginner-friendly. Cross-training can be scary, regardless of whether you have previous fitness expertise or are a complete newcomer to working out. That's why we've created this beginner's guide to cross-training, complete with everything you need to know about making the programming work for you.

3. Can cross-training help in weight loss?

Yes, cross-training for weight loss can be good. Cross-training will improve your muscles' fat-burning mechanisms since different types of exercises use different muscles in different ways. Furthermore, by changing up your routine, you may discover that you are more likely to exercise regularly and for longer amounts of time. Cross-training may provide you with just the variety you need to remain with your exercise routine and notice any measurable benefits in weight reduction and fitness!

The Bottom Line 

Cross-training is beneficial to everyone, whether you're a beginner seeking to get in shape or a seasoned exerciser looking to improve your fitness. It's the foundation of any well-designed fitness routine. One of the most typical exercise blunders is sticking to the same regimen week after week.

We hope that this article has assisted you in improving your fitness and reaping the many benefits of regular exercise. So, what are you waiting for? Begin your cross-training today and start leading a healthier lifestyle!

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