The Training Station 100 can be useful for many different exercises and with a little imagination you can put together varied "full body" type sessions tailored to every level of ability and objective. Read our advice to optimise your sessions.

Building a Session Around the Training Station

The parallel bars offer a wide range of exercises focusing not only on the upper body such as dips, pull-ups, pulls and abs, but also on the lower body with lunges and the abductors or hips.

Easily adapt the difficulty of each exercise by using a variety of positions:

  • Negative training: raise your feet onto the training station to add weight to your press-ups. Put one foot on one of the bars to accentuate the imbalance and amplitude on the lunges.
  • Adapt the intensity: put your knees on the ground during the press-ups, bend the legs on the pulls, bend the legs on the static abdominal exercises such as the L-sit

Opt for the Dynamic Exercises

The Training Station 100 is not limited to static exercises and the most well-known body-weight training exercises. With a little creativity, it is possible to put together a full session composed of both strengthening and cardio training exercises.

  • Improve your footwork: lay the bars down to create a speed ladder, alternate between burpees and side shuffles
  • Improve your explosiveness: combine various jumps (to the side or facing the training station) to exercise your vertical take-off
training station

Check out the Training Station

At Decathlon, our goal with the weight and cross training products of the Domyos range is to make physical preparation available to the widest possible audience.

We want you to feel the benefits and the pleasure of being in shape, in good health and feeling good in body and mind!

We design and make beautiful simple, fun, innovative and high-tech products for everyone, from the beginner to the fitness enthusiast.

We are passionate about: creating products, high-quality services with the best price-quality ratio.

Check out the Training Station

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