How do you structure your days?

The structure of my day depends on my shifts. The biggest problem for me is waking up early. I usually take up the closing shift at work for the same reason.

So now, this is how I've structured my routine.

  • Wake up
  • I book my Cross Training class at 11 am which is 7km from my place and takes me around an hour to reach.
  • After my workout, I reach home by 12:30.
  • I sleep for half an hour
  • My shift at work begins from 2 and goes on till 10

    The only reason I would ever miss a workout could be due to work. I never take a rest day by choice. I usually don't have to miss because my work timings are flexible and my manager is supportive of my passion for my sport.

What equipment do you find indispensable for accomplishing your workout?

Dumbells, pull-up bar, jump up the box, a battle rope and kettlebells. I use them the most but I believe the initials of Cross Training can be practiced without any equipment also.

Do you follow a diet?

I don't follow a diet. I eat what I like. I eat samosas everyday and still have a proper ripped body.

However, with that said I do believe that a diet can be quite crucial and this is what I eat now. A proper nutrition plan would include 5 meals a day in small portions. This is difficult for me considering my routine.

This is what I follow as of now.

  • A glass of milk in the morning before my workout
  • For lunch, normal healthy home food
  • Evening snacks, snadwhiches etc
  • Normal healthy home food for dinner.


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