It is entirely possible to vary one's training during short sessions. Here are a few ideas for taking advantage of 30 minutes of free time.

1. Recover and Enjoy Yourself

The recovery jog will be very beneficial the day after a race or a high-intensity session to "stretch the legs" and facilitate recovery, as the name suggests.It must be run at a constant pace while breathing very easily in order to restore the level of oxygen in the muscles.This eliminates the waste products generated the previous day more quickly thanks to the slight acceleration in blood flow.

If you find it hard to avoid speeding up during the run, use it as an opportunity to learn how to run slowly:enjoy the countryside and the sense of well-being induced by the outing.You will enjoy it more!

2. Change Pace

Alternatively, doing a short and challenging run is entirely possible in 30 minutes.However, it is important to give yourself enough of a warm-up as well as a light jog at the end of the training session to loosen up and minimise any muscular problems. We recommend that you stick to a full 15-minute warm-up as well as 5 minutes of active recovery at the end of the run, which therefore leaves you with 10 minutes to run at a variety of different paces.

Here are 2 simple examples of sessions that can be completed in this time:

15/30-type interval training:2 series of 6 x 15 seconds of effort, followed by 30 seconds of recovery.

the rest period between the 2 series will be made up of 1 minute at jogging pace;- Training in blocks at a targeted pace (replicate your running pace for a 10 km or half-marathon run):1 single block of 10 minutes or 2 blocks of 4 minutes broken up with an active recovery period of 1 minute.

NB: it is possible to adapt interval training by exercising on uphill/downhill sections to improve power, which is very useful for off-road runners.

3. Make the Most of the Last Run Before a Race

When you have meticulously prepared for a competition, the final week must be dedicated to recovery.Yet you feel like running more than ever!One to two short basic endurance runs, which are essential for making progress, during which you can include a few gradual accelerations, will help you relieve any stress and excitement prior to the forthcoming event.

After a warm-up jog of 15 to 20 minutes, gradually accelerate (without sprinting) for less than 30 seconds and give yourself enough time to slacken off the pace.Run according to how you feel without any specific timing or number of repetitions.

Depending on the length of the acceleration period, you will have the option to repeat these alternating phases 5 to 10 times before slowing the pace at the end of the run.

It is also useful to make the most of a short session to do a range of exercises to improve your technique and coordination or even to strengthen the muscles. After a 15 to 20-minute jog, you can choose to do some high-knee, butt-kick and side-step running exercises or even some essential core strength exercises.


Having a tight schedule should not be an obstacle to pulling on your running shoes and enjoying yourself for a simple half-hour exercise session!


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