
You can build up the muscles in your pelvic floor by performing kegel exercises. When you are seated on the toilet, you use your pelvic floor muscles to pause the flow of pee in mid-flow. You can boost your orgasm while preventing pee leaks and unintentionally passing gas or stool by strengthening these muscles. Through this article, we will provide you with all the details about kegel muscles and the relevant pelvic floor exercises. So, keep reading!!

What are Kegel exercises?

Kegel exercises are simple clench-and-release exercises you can use to build up the muscles in your pelvic floor. Your pelvis, which is the area between your hips, is where your reproductive organs are situated.

At the base of the pelvis, a sling or hammock is formed by a multitude of muscles and tissues that make up the pelvic floor. This sling holds your organs in place. One issue that might arise from a weak pelvic floor is the inability to control your bowels or bladder.

When your perfect Kegel exercises, you may practise them anywhere you are, whether you're at home relaxing or standing in a bank queue.

Why do Kegel exercises?

Kegel exercises are beneficial for both sexes.

Women's pelvic floors might become weaker due to a variety of reasons, including pregnancy, childbirth, ageing, and weight increase. The womb, the bladder, and the bowels are supported by the pelvic floor muscles. These pelvic organs may descend into a woman's vagina if the muscles are weak. This can lead to urine incontinence in addition to being exceedingly uncomfortable.

Men's pelvic floor muscles may also start to deteriorate with age. Faecal and urinary incontinence may develop from this, especially in men who have had prostate surgery.

Finding the pelvic floor muscles in women

Finding the appropriate group of muscles when you first begin Kegel exercises might be challenging. Placing a clean finger inside your vagina and contracting your vaginal muscles around it is one method of locating them.

By attempting to halt the flow of your pee, you can also find the muscles. Your pelvic floor muscles are what you use for this activity. Get accustomed to the sensations of them contracting and relaxing.

However, you should just utilise this technique to learn. When you have a full bladder, it is not a good idea to frequently perform Kegel exercises or to constantly start and stop your urination. Your chance of developing a urinary tract infection can increase if your bladder isn't completely emptied (UTI).

If you're still unsure whether you've found the proper muscles, consult your doctor. They could advise using something called a vaginal cone. A vaginal cone is inserted into the vagina, and it is held in place by the muscles of the pelvic floor.

Finding the pelvic floor muscles in men

When it comes to determining the proper group of pelvic floor muscles, men frequently experience the same kinds of difficulties. Inserting a finger into the rectum and trying to compress it while not contracting the muscles in the abdomen, buttocks, or thighs can help men identify the pelvic floor muscles.

Another useful trick is to tense the muscles that stop you from passing gas.

If the problem persists, try practising stopping the flow of urine. Similar to how it is for women, this is a reliable technique for locating the pelvic floor muscles, but it shouldn't be utilised frequently.

Goals and benefits of Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises should always be performed with an empty bladder. Find a quiet, private spot to sit or lie down before performing your exercises as a beginning. You'll discover that you can do them any place as you practise.

When beginning Kegel exercises, contract your pelvic floor muscles for three counts, then relax them for three counts. Continue until you have completed 10 repetitions. Practice over the coming days until you can maintain tension in your muscles for a count of ten. Every day, you should aim to complete three sets of 10 repetitions.

How to do Kegel exercises?

  • Choose the proper muscles. ​​If you want to find your pelvic floor muscles, stop urinating in the middle of the action. Although you may first find it easiest to perform the exercises while lying down, once you've recognised your pelvic floor muscles, you can perform them in any posture.
  • Develop your method. When doing Kegels, pretend that you are sitting on a marble and contract your pelvic muscles as if you were lifting the marble. Try it for three seconds at a time, then take three deep breaths to unwind.
  • Maintain your attention. Only concentrate on strengthening your pelvic floor muscles if you want the finest effects. Do not tighten your abdominal, thigh, or buttock muscles. Try not to hold your breath. Breathe normally while performing the exercises.
  • Three times a day, repeat. Every day, try to complete three sets of 10 to 15 repetitions or more.

What happens to your PC muscles over time?

When you are young, your PC muscles are typically strong and tight. As you age, they could weaken and stretch. They may also become excessively weak or loose due to pregnancy or delivery, prostate cancer treatment, bladder or bowel problems, or other causes.

As a result, your sexual health and bladder control may worsen. But just like you may strengthen your arm or leg muscles with regular exercise, you can strengthen your PC muscles with Kegel exercises.

How can Kegel exercises help women?

Dr Arnold Kegel created the Kegel exercises in the late 1940s to help women regain control over their bladders after giving birth. Since then, several studies have shown that Kegel exercises can benefit women suffering from a range of illnesses. For instance, they can help to improve female urinary continence. They may help with the treatment of stress urinary incontinence, female sexual dysfunction, and pelvic organ prolapse.

How can Kegel exercise help men?

Kegel exercises for men have received less research attention. However, the preliminary results look good. For instance, Kegel exercises can help men who have undergone prostate surgery deal with stress incontinence. Additionally, some men may have improved sexual performance and relief from the hyperactive bladder.

Kegel exercise tips

  • The Kegel exercises can be performed laying down, sitting, or standing. You might wish to start by lying down if your pelvic muscles are weak. The best times to begin the workout regimen are a few minutes in the morning and once more right before night.
  • To begin with, perform only the number of Kegel exercises that are manageable for you (eg, five Kegels for three seconds each twice a day). Increase these numbers gradually as your stamina and strength improve.
  • Breathe out as you perform the exercises rather than holding your breath. Additionally, take care not to press or tighten your stomach, back, buttocks, or inner thighs. If you feel these muscles contracting, you are not performing the exercise properly.


After performing Kegel exercises, if your back or abdomen hurt, you're not performing them properly. Always keep in mind that your abdominal, back, buttocks, and side muscles should remain relaxed even while you tighten your pelvic floor muscles. Last but not least, don't overdo the Kegel exercises. Overworking the muscles will make them exhausted and unable to perform their essential duties.

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