What Things Are Needed for Running?

Running sounds pretty simple right? It’s walking, just faster. What we don’t realise is that in the absence of other forms of exercise, the mere act of running can help you in so many ways, from becoming acclimated to an active lifestyle to boosting your mood. There are numerous health benefits associated with running, not to mention it’ll help you get slim and fit. To get on the track and start running, it is important to wear the right sports gear, especially running shoes. It will play a major role in deciding the speed and overall comfort of the runner. In the next section, we’ll be addressing it.

Which Shoes are Best for Running -

Firstly, the shape of the soles needs to be shaped like your foot. It should not be rough around the edges and chafing anywhere. For running shoes, the cup of the heel must be layered in such a way that it cradles your foot. A proper heel counter will help the runner with extra stability and landing. For the upper foot, the toe box must be designed in such a way as to hold the fabric off the toes and prevent stubbing. Now comes the main body of the shoe, the outsole. This is the direct contact between the foot and ground and thus it makes sense that the material should be wisely chosen. Ideally, rubber or foam soles are suited for providing good bounce and increasing wear life. The important thing to keep in mind is how the shoe fits when you run.

How to Start Running?

  • For a newbie, this can be a daunting task. The fear of the gym and pain in your body can make the running track seem tedious, but it doesn’t have to be. With our running tips for beginners, this form of exercise will be a breeze.
  • Before your first run, get in the regular exercise habit by walking. Walking is an excellent foundation for running and holds the convenience trump card.
  • Consistency is key, so you should start by running at the same time each day and listen to the same pre-workout music. Scientifically, you’re creating neural pathways that make the activity a habit.
  • When you push yourself to work for something, you should also reward yourself. Treat yourself to something you love after you exercise, so your brain associates exercise with an immediate reward.
  • To start off, run with friends or go to a public park and track your kilometres so you can see your progress. This way you can build a support system with things that will make you feel good.
  • With the above motivating tips, you’re ready to run. Since you’ll be moving faster, you’ll cover longer distances without adding more time to your workout schedule.

Running Tips for beginners -

  • For the first and second week, you’ll exercise for roughly 30 minutes, five days per week. Only when you reach week 3, you’ll start running practice.
  • After you find yourself ready for a bit more of a challenge, you can pick up the pace. Work out for the same amount of time every day but gradually build to a run/walk ratio of 4:2 minutes, then 6:3 minutes.
  • If you’re just getting started with running or do it every day, you will always be better off with some handy running tricks and tips to run longer. Your body might be telling you that it can not continue, but with the help of these running tips for beginners, you can learn how to run for a long time like the marathoners.
  • Don’t worry if you’re under-prepared. A lot of people freak out and get nervous before a long run thinking about the entire ordeal. The key is to stay calm and not expend energy worrying about the journey.
  • Drink a lot of water to hydrate yourself. Don't forget this prior to going on your run. This is an important step because poor hydration compromises numerous systems in the body, adding to dehydration and slowing down your run. Rehydration during the run is also a key step.
  • Food is the energy system of our body. It makes sense that if you don't eat enough food before running, your body will quickly run out of energy faster, leading to poor workouts. It is important to keep in mind that eating too much before working out can cause gastrointestinal distress. Striking the proper balance will be good for running.
  • If you ask a friend to join you for your run, it allows you to tolerate higher levels of discomfort and motivates you to try harder.

How to Increase Stamina for Running and Tips to Run Longer?

  • The oxygen that you take into your body is vital to increasing your stamina for running. By changing the way you breathe during running, you can reduce stress, boost your energy and increase your endurance. Some running and jogging tips include trying to breathe more or increase your breathing speed. If you’re running faster, you need to breathe faster.
  • Interval training, where you run quickly for 30-40 seconds then take a short break to catch your breath is a good way to increase aerobic exercise, improve running form and strengthen muscle.
  • Always keep in mind that distance should be increased gradually. Normally, you can increase your distance by 10% every week.
  • Lastly, strengthening other parts of your body will do wonders for your workout. By doing bodyweight exercises like lunges, step-ups, and single-leg squats, you can strengthen your leg muscles. To strengthen your core, try side planks and planks for stabilization.

How to Improve Your Running Speed and Run Faster?

Improving your running speed takes discipline, determination, training and focus. If you believe you can instantly run faster, you are mistaken. But it is a gradual effort that can be strengthened using the following tips to run faster.

  • Firstly, you need to time how fast you are currently running, so you can accurately measure your progress as you go on further.
  • The next step is to look for a place to run, preferably a place where there’s a big track of standard length- 400 m.
  • Run at least 5 times a week, while you mix in different lengths and intensities. To get faster, you’ll need to improve your stamina by increasing your kilometres per week. Alternate runs of different lengths long run on certain days and short ones on the rest.
  • While following the above steps, it is good to work towards a goal. It will not only increase your motivation but force you to push yourself a little bit harder.

How to Lose Weight By Running?

When you’re doing all this exercise and all the hard work, it is natural to also expect external results on your body, like weight loss. It should be put out there that weight loss by running and jogging is a very slow and steady process, as compared to the strict diet and intense gym exercises which have immediately dramatic results.

  • First of all, decide the weight you’d like to see yourself at and make a specific plan. Know exactly what your goal weight should be so you know what you’re working with. Also, look beyond your overall weight to also include goal body fat and some simple body measurements to keep you motivated.
  • Here’s a simple, 4-week plan to lose weight while running:
  • In the first week, walk for 20 minutes every alternate day(Mon-Wed-Fri). Do non-impact cardio for 25 minutes on the other days (Tue-Thu-Sat). Leave Sunday as a rest day.
  • In week 2, increase the walk to a jog for 25 minutes every alternate day(Mon-Wed-Fri). Do non-impact cardio for 25 minutes on the other days (Tue-Thur-Sat). Leave Sunday as a rest day.
  • In week 3, increase the jog to a brisk walk/run for 30 minutes on and off every alternate day(Mon-Wed-Fri). Do non-impact cardio for 25 minutes on the other days (Tue-Thur-Sat). Leave Sunday as a rest day.
  • In week 4, practice walk/run for 30 minutes every day, and push yourself to exercise for longer if you can.
  • Add High-intensity interval training (HIIT): HIIT is a new and popular form of exercise that gives an intensive aerobic option, which is shorter to complete than the traditional cardio training. Compared with aerobic exercise, HIIT eliminates the steady-state pace where your body has adjusted to the speed of the workout, conserving some calories. HIIT can be performed with this sample: Jump rope in 1 minute. Do dips in 12 to 15 reps. Perform high knees with 30 reps in each knee. Perform curls with resistance bands for 20 reps.

How Many Calories Are Burned With Running?

Running is a great way to lose weight. There are so many instances of countless women and men who have shed excess pounds and kept them off with the help of this simple form of exercise. As with anything in life, success is not guaranteed, however.

If you accompany running for weight loss with a sensible diet, it will enhance the effects. It is good to adjust your diet and eat better by cutting back on cookies, white bread, chips and other things processed.

A majority of us don’t consume excess calories, the difference is just the type of calorie consumed. Replace the above-mentioned junk with more fruits, vegetables and lean proteins and see what happens. It is likely that you will see good results and feel better just by adding more good calorie, high-nutrient foods, and you’ll naturally lose weight when you make the switch. It is important to keep in mind that lowering calorie intake

What to Eat Before Running?

Some examples of low-quality foods are sweets, refined grains, fried foods and processed meat. On the other hand, high-quality foods like nuts, seeds, fish, dairy, vegetables and fruits are considered to be healthy for the body to eat during running.

To be a runner, your nutrition is of utter importance to display your peak performance. Before running, you might think of avoiding food because of cramping and gastrointestinal distress. But not eating enough food can leave you feeling lazy and lethargic.

Hence, finding the optimal balance between stuffing and starving will give you good results. There should be these essentials: carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals in a healthy runners’ diet.

  1. Carbohydrates

We all know that all athletes derive their energy from carbs. As a runner, carbohydrates should make up about 60% of your total calorie intake. It not only provides quick and long-lasting energy to our bodies; it also helps in working more efficiently. Eating the right kind of carbohydrates, such as:

  • Whole grains (bread, pasta)
  • Steamed or boiled rice
  • Potatoes and other starchy vegetables
  • Fruit

Yes, bread and pasta are processed, but they are less harmful and they retain more of the nutrition the grain naturally provides. Choosing whole-grain pasta over white provides you with more nutrients (fibre) which can help you feel fuller longer.

  1. Protein

Protein provides a scant amount of energy, but it is mostly to repair tissues damaged during training. In addition to being an essential nutrient, protein keeps you feeling full longer, which helps if you're trying to lose weight and not eat a lot every little while. Protein should make up about 20% of your daily intake.

Low cholesterol protein sources like lean meats, fish, poultry, low-fat dairy products and eggs are some foods to eat.

  1. Fat

A high-fat diet may be counterintuitive to your journey of losing weight, so try to make sure that no more than 40% of your total diet comes from fats, that too from low-cholesterol fats. Foods such as nuts, oils, and codfish provide essential fats called omega-3s which are vital for good health and can help prevent certain diseases.

Research by experts has shown that getting about 3,000 milligrams (mg) of omega-3 fat a day is sufficient. (1)

  1. Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals don’t give you energy like carbohydrates or proteins, but they are still an important part of their diet. Vitamins act like antioxidants and neutralize free radicals produced from exercising, which are harmful to our body. Getting your vitamins from whole foods is preferable to supplementation since evidence and research for the efficacy of supplements is debatable.

Minerals have major importance when it comes to running.

  • Calcium: This mineral is essential for healthy bones and joints. A calcium-rich diet is essential for runners to prevent stress fractures and osteoporosis. Dark leafy vegetables, beans, and eggs are all good sources of calcium. Your goal should be 1,000 to 1,300 mg of calcium per day.
  • Iron: A major component of haemoglobin, this nutrient delivers oxygen to our cells. If you have an iron-poor diet, you'll feel weak and fatigued, not to mention anaemic in the longer run. For men, 8 mg of iron a day is good while women need 18 mg. To ingest calcium naturally, food sources include lean meats, leafy green vegetables, nuts, shrimp, and scallops.
  • Sodium: Small amounts of sodium and other electrolytes are lost through sweat during exercise. If you crave salty foods, it may be your body's way of telling you to get more sodium. If you follow a balanced diet and drink a sports drink or eating some pretzels after exercise, you’ll be replenished.

Thus, try to eat foods like a bagel with peanut butter, or ham and cheese on whole-wheat bread before you go running. You can also eat bananas, oatmeal and milk if you’re a vegetarian.

What Can We Expect From Running Practice?

Last but not least, you might be wondering what results you’ll get after doing all the above workouts, diets and so much more. Well, fret not because the astonishing calorie reduction will be worth it. The American Council on Exercise declares that a 120-pound person (~54kg) burns about 11.4 calories per minute while running. Assuming that person goes on a 10-minute mile, they’ll burn 114 calories. The more you weigh, the higher the calories burnt doing the same exercise.

All benefits aside, the mere act of running will leave you with a sense of victory and enthusiasm, due to the surge of endorphins and happy hormone dopamine rushing through your body. We hope this guide will motivate you to put on those jogging shoes and start running today!

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