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It’s important to protect your eyes when you’re riding the waves on a kitesurf, kayaking across rivers or sailing the deep blue sea. But normal sunglasses just won’t do…

Sunglasses Concept

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Product managers, engineers, laboratory staff: We gather all our optics specialists together to design your sunglasses. Consider the following four things when it comes to buying sunglasses for watersports: lens category, design, buoyancy and fit.

1. Lens Category

When you’re on the water, the sun is more intense , so to make sure you can see without being distracted by glare, you need sunglasses with the right lens category , which is based on the kind of weather you’re dealing with.

Basically, the lens category is the index of glare protection , ranging from 0 to 4. The more intense the sunshine, the higher the category. For watersports, we recommend category 3 or 4 lenses .

Additionally, you can choose polarised lenses , which work to counteract the glare created by reflections on the water. These kinds of lenses are ideal for sailing.

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Category 3

In sunny weather. Bright outside conditions. Full UV protection.

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Category 4

In very sunny weather. Ideal for sea and mountain terrains. Very bright outside conditions. Full UV protection.

2. Wraparound Design

To stop sun rays and glare getting anywhere near your eyes, opt for a pair of wraparound sunglasses – they will quite literally wrap around your face and head, leaving no room for those rays.

How can you be sure your wraparound sunglasses offer proper coverage?

> Ensure that they have a curved shape that follow your face shape. This way, rays cannot penetrate from the bottom or from the top.

> The arms width at the sides of the eyes should be larger than standard sunglasses. The frame prevents the rays from penetrating from the sides.

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3. Floating Sunglasses

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Whether you are kitesurfing or kayaking, as with any water sports, it’s very normal to fall in the water, and when that happens, it’s very likely you’ll lose your sunglasses to the sea bed. Even if you don’t think you’ll be falling or getting into the water, your sunglasses might fall off your face or head while you’re moving around. Enter, floating sunglasses!

Thanks to a specific material , these sunglasses will bob up to the surface of the water if they fall in.

4. Sunglasses Fit

To avoid losing your watersports sunglasses, but also to make sure that your eyes are protected, your sunglasses must fit securely on your face.

Two areas of the face deserve special attention: your nose and the back of your head at ear level. These are where the sunglasses rest.

Ideally, your sunglasses should sit on the top of your nose . As for the arm tips, they should fit snug against your head. A quick test is to shake your head slightly and see if the sunglasses hold in place. In case you sweat, rubber-y nose pads and arm tips will also help keep your sunglasses on. In addition, it is also common to use a strap and ertain neoprene eyewear straps even provide buoyancy.

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Nose Fit

Rubber nose pads will help your sunglasses stay in place on your nose. They may also be ridged for even better grip on the skin, meaning they’ll slip less, even if you’re a bit sweaty.

Arms Fit

Rubber arms, sometimes ridged, offer a better grip on the skin.

Eyewear Retainer Fit

Additionally, you can also use sunglasses retainers. Two systems: either attached to the arm tips or positioned in place of the arms. These elastic straps will hold your sunglasses against your face.

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