Starting your day with a short walk can offer several health benefits. We know you must have heard it a thousand times already but this is our one more shot at giving you detailed reasons for why it’s so great and try to convince you to get off your lethargic butt and get going.

When you wake up in the morning, exercise may not be at the top of your priority list. Even if you hate early alarms, working out first thing in the morning can quickly become second nature. Here are 10 reasons why you may want to start your day by getting in some steps.


An early morning walk is great for improving your health. A morning walk has several advantages, particularly for people struggling with lifestyle-related disorders such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Walking is also a low-impact aerobic activity that is gentle on the joints and ideal for persons of all ages. A 30-minute early morning walk improves mood, soothes nerves, allows you to breathe the fresh morning air, improves blood circulation, and keeps you energised for the remainder of the day. For a morning walk, all you need is a pair of walking shoes. Continue reading to discover the science-backed advantages of taking an early morning walk.

Table Of Contents:

  1.  What are the Benefits of Morning Walk?
  2.  Know why morning walk is important for diabetes
  3.  Morning Walk for weight loss: Benefits & Tips
  4. Morning Walk Tips (in point format)
  5.  Morning walk vs evening walk: Which is better?
  6.  How to wake up for a morning walk?
  7.  What is the best time for morning walk?
  8.  How long should I walk in the morning?
  9.  Know if sleeping after morning walk is good or bad
  10.  What to eat before and after morning walk
  11.  Should we drink water before morning walk?
  12.  FAQ
  13.  The Bottom Line

What Are The Benefits Of Morning Walk?

1. Morning Walks Burns Body Fat

Walking in the morning can help you reach your weight loss goals. Walking at a brisk speed for about 30 minutes can burn up to 200 calories. While high-intensity exercises may give you better fat loss results overall, morning walking can help get you back into shape keeping you healthy and can also warm up your body for tougher exercises later.

2. Morning Walks Strengthen Muscles

While essential nutrients of proteins, vitamins and minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus are crucial for muscle strength and bone health, regular exercise is what helps maintain the flexibility of the joints and supplies sturdy bones, muscles.

Morning walks are great to tone the muscles of your lower body like the leg muscles and glutes. We use a lot of muscles when we walk. The main ones are the core muscles and leg muscles - quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calf. 

3. Morning Walks Improves Your Mood

Apart from being a great way to get some exercise right at the start of your day, morning walks also make you feel happier and set a positive tone for the rest of the day. The rush of oxygen and blood to your brain when you walk makes your brain alert and improves brain function. Make your morning walk a happy experience by roping in a friend. Aim to reach your fitness goal together while socialising.

4. Morning Walks Makes The Heart Stronger

All exercises pump your heartbeat, we all know that. You can stave off heart problems by going for your morning walks regularly. Walking for 30 minutes per day can reduce your risk for heart disease by 20 per cent.

Lower blood pressure, improved blood circulation, and a reduced risk of heart disease. These all can be achieved through regular morning walks. Get going.

5. Morning Walks Enhance Your Metabolism

Working up a cardio sweat with a morning walk will up your metabolism for the entire day and keep you feeling energized and ready to take on anything. Make sure to have a couple of glasses of water after your walk. Water fires up your metabolism, hydrates you, helps your body flush out toxins, gives your brain fuel, and may even help you to eat less.

6. Morning Walks Keeps Sugar Levels Under Control

Walking may be one of the simplest forms of physical activity, but it can be very effective in preventing diabetes and other various age-related diseases. Regular walking increases your body’s ability to respond to insulin, whilst improving blood sugar control which aids in lowering your risk of diabetes and allows greater diabetes management for those diagnosed with the disorder.

7. Morning Walks Boost Your Energy Levels

A brisk walk to start your day can leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Morning walking benefits your energy levels later in the day too as it helps reduce fatigue keeping you feeling energised throughout your day.

The next time you feel tired when you wake up, lacing up your shoes and taking a walk can provide that natural boost of energy you may be looking for.

8. Morning Walks Improves Mental Health

Walking has several excellent physical health benefits, but did you know, fitting a morning walk into your daily schedule can boost your brain function. Many psychotherapists suggest morning walks to help aid depression and anxiety. 

Being caught up in the online world, morning walks are a great exercise if you’re looking to spend time with yourself and calm your mind. 

9. Morning Walks Help You Sleep Better

Being active can boost the effects of natural sleep hormones which can help you fall asleep easier. A morning walk is not only a great way to see the sunrise or catch up with friends, exposing yourself to the bright morning sun can assist in setting your natural circadian rhythm which improves your sleep cycle, promoting a healthy night’s sleep.

10. Morning Walks Healthier Choices Throughout The Day

We probably can’t say this enough. Starting your day with a walk may set you up to make healthier choices throughout the day. After your walk, you may feel more energized and less sleep-deprived.

When your energy drops or you’re tired, you’re more likely to reach for comfort snacks or energy boosters (though you deserve all the treats, just try and slap those urges with a bat, it’ll be worth it, we promise). Walking in the morning may inspire you to choose a healthy lunch and snacks in the afternoon.

Know Why Morning Walk Is Important For Diabetes

A morning walk exercise, especially when you have diabetes, may make a major impact on how you feel and how you manage your disease. Walking is a fantastic method to get physically active and incorporate movement into your daily routine, whether you have type 1, type 2, or another kind of diabetes. This is since you may walk anywhere, at any time, and it is completely free. Some other advantages of morning walk for diabetes patients are as follows:-

  • Walking briskly can help you increase stamina, burn calories, and improve the condition of your heart.
  • It can assist the body in making better utilisation of insulin.
  • It is gentle on the joints.
  • It can aid your mind by lowering stress levels and sadness and anxiety symptoms.
  • It can assist you in getting a better night's sleep.

Morning Walk for weight loss: Benefits & Tips

If you haven’t been going on your morning walks on an empty stomach, chances are your daily exercises are going to prove to be less beneficial than you anticipated. Munching on tasty snacks first thing in the morning (probably because of boredom) is a common experience, especially among people in their 30s. Stop that urge because we are going to tell you the benefits of morning walks empty stomach.

When you first wake up in the morning, you have very low blood sugar levels and glycogen stores because you haven’t eaten anything yet. Glycogen is carbohydrates that are stored in the liver and muscles which are used as fuel during exercise.

Normally, after having eaten during the day, the body has enough energy in blood sugar and glycogen to sustain an hour or two of exercise. Therefore, when you do cardio exercise later in the day, you have to burn through all that energy stored in glycogen before you can access your stored fat. However, when you expend energy in moderate cardio on an empty stomach, your body will burn through what little glycogen you have stored and access your stored fat much sooner. And in the end, that’s what we want, don’t we?

Excited? We told you, the benefits of morning walks with an empty stomach are worth it.

Helpful Morning Walk Tips: Besides general health improvement, making morning walks a part of your daily schedule will give you some awesome beauty benefits as well. It slows down the ageing process; gives your skin a healthy radiance bought on by improved blood circulation; and improves hair quality. Here are some common questions you folks might have that will hopefully motivate you to include morning walks in your daily schedule. Have a look.

How Morning Walk And Mental Health Are Related

Taking a stroll is a simple exercise that might help you recover from mental health disorders like melancholy and anxiety. Walking, which has several physical and mental health advantages, may enhance your emotional well-being, energy, and happiness instantaneously. It's no surprise that persons with mental health concerns are frequently recommended by their doctors to go for morning walks regularly. So, what is the importance of a morning walk to help with depression or anxiety symptoms?

Restarting things might be a difficult undertaking for someone who is dealing with mental health challenges. Everything appears to be so enormous at the moment because you can't do anything effectively. You may feel inept and begin to doubt your talents. You may see a favourable impact if you start doing these tiny things like walking nearly religiously. The main point is to persuade someone that they need to develop this habit and to give them the confidence that once they do, they will be able to handle it. It also continues encouraging them to do more because it's as if it's telling them that if they can do this, they can do anything. It functions as a catalyst for taking the next step in terms of both physical and mental wellness.

Physical and mental well-being are inextricably interwoven, and neither can exist without the other. Morning walk benefits your physical health, which in turn improves your mental health. It also allows you to establish a routine and engage with the outside world. When you go on a stroll, you may come across other individuals; you may nod and smile at them, and they may return your smile. This social aspect is made easier.

Simultaneously, it allows you to be in the middle of nature and a setting that may have a significant influence on one's mental health. So it makes you feel good to stroll through a park and be surrounded by vegetation.

People frequently lose sight of the reality that they must take care of themselves. Morning walk benefits us with some me-time and allows us to accomplish something for ourselves.

How To Get The Most Benefits Of A Morning Walk

Now that you are aware of the multiple benefits of morning walks, you must also understand the various precautions that you should be maintained to make the most from these morning walks. Some of these precautions are:

  • When walking, maintain a straight stance. This can help you tone your abs, especially if you are attempting to lose weight.
  • The greatest time to go for a stroll is first thing in the morning when your body is energetic and your blood circulation is at its finest. You're also allowing your body to absorb vitamin D from the sun's early rays. Between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., the ideal time to get vitamin D is.
  • If you want to drop a few pounds, go for a vigorous morning stroll every day. You burn more calories when you walk quickly.
  • If you're just getting started with walking as a regular activity, start at a speed that's comfortable for you and gradually increase it as the days pass. This ensures that you do not put too much strain on your body right away.
  • Avoid going for a walk right after a meal since it disrupts the flow of digestive fluids, which inhibits food from breaking down properly.
  • When going on quick walks, it's better not to drink too much water because it might impair your respiratory system. Experts advise that you stay hydrated before you begin your stroll and for the first 5 minutes after you finish. However, if one goes for lengthy walks, keeping a bottle of water available is a smart idea to avoid dehydration-related weariness.

What To Avoid When Going For A Morning Walk

One of the primary importance of morning walk is that it helps people to stay fit and healthy. This workout does not require any equipment or tools, and it may be performed by anybody of any age. People can lose weight and stay active/energized by including walking into their everyday routine. While walking, though, there are a few things to bear in mind. Continue reading to learn what you should not do when taking a morning stroll.

  • Caffeine is found in beverages such as tea and coffee, and it dehydrates the body. It causes you to get dehydrated.
  • You will feel bloated if you drink too much water. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, but don't overdo it.
  • Before going for a stroll, eat a banana or an apple, but avoid a big breakfast. Instead, when you get home, take a shower and then eat your breakfast.
  • Do a few warm-up exercises before you start walking. Arms and legs should be stretched. To relieve stress or stiffness in the back, neck, knees, elbows, or waist, do a few easy twists.
  • The purpose and benefit of a morning walk are to preserve excellent health, not to enjoy oneself. After you've completed your workouts, you may listen to your favourite music. It's advised to avoid listening to music when walking since you need to be aware of your surroundings.

Morning Walk Vs Evening Walk: Which Is Better?

Benefits of morning walk

  • You can't beat a magnificent scene with the sun rising on the horizon if you get up fairly early. The rising of a new day is one of the most beautiful views you may ever see, and it gives you a sense of new beginnings. It is ideal for the spirit.
  • Listening to dawn birdsong is another point for Mother Nature. The sound of birds waking up and calling to each other may be soothing to the ears. It's no surprise that bird recordings are available for purchase.
  • Because pollution levels are at their lowest, the air you'll be inhaling will be the cleanest of the day. Fresh air in your bloodstream will help your organs and set you up for a successful day, especially in terms of energy.
  • For the rest of the day, your blood pressure will be reduced by roughly 10%, making you calmer and more relaxed during your workday.
  • Even though it will be hours before you go to sleep, waking in the morning will enhance your sleeping habits, allowing you to wake up feeling rejuvenated.
  • With fewer people around, it will be quieter, as most people will be pressing the snooze button and attempting to get as much sleep as possible before heading off to work. However, they will not get excellent sleep, and they will not feel as well as you who are out walking.
  • Walking in the morning during the summer months is cooler because the sun hasn't quite risen, so you'll feel more refreshed.

Drawbacks of morning walk

  • Because your muscles are cold, it will take you longer to warm them up for optimal performance.
  • If you have to get ready for work first thing in the morning, you may not have time to walk for as long or as far as you would want.
  • It will be dark and chilly throughout the winter months, and you will have to be highly self-disciplined to get out of bed early.

Benefits of an evening walk

  • A walk in the evening provides the opportunity to see a stunning sunset, which may be just as thrilling as a sunrise in the morning.
  • After a long day at work, going for a stroll in the evening might help you relax and prepare for bed. Stress levels can be reduced, allowing a calmer you to relax and have a good night's sleep.
  • If you've overindulged in calories during the day, going for a stroll in the evening might assist your digestive system work to burn them off.
  • Your muscles have warmed up and are ready for action after working all day. However, it's always a good idea to remember to stretch those muscles.
  • You will feel more strong and be able to walk further, faster, and for longer since your muscles have warmed up.
  • If you've been hunched over a computer screen all day, taking a stroll in the evening will assist your spine and muscles in realign by releasing stress.

Drawbacks of an evening walk

  • Pollution levels are at an all-time high, with a full day's worth of automobiles, trucks, and motorcycles on the road.
  • If you've just finished a hearty meal, you'll want to wait a couple of hours before going for a stroll. A lighter supper, on the other hand, can help you save time.
  • You may also go for a stroll as soon as you come home, but this would push back your mealtime. This may not provide enough time for appropriate digestion before bedtime.
  • You may find yourself strolling in the dark more frequently in the winter, but also in the spring and fall, which raises additional safety concerns.

How to wake up early in the morning?

There’s a reason you see a bunch of people sneak out of their homes at the crack of dawn every day and set off briskly for their morning walk? If you aren’t a morning person and dread waking up early, including a morning walk in your routine might be difficult in the beginning. In that case, we don’t recommend you start waking up at 5 when you start your day at 10. That’ll just shock your body, making it resist the change only to go back to 10 o’clock. What you can do is start waking up half an hour earlier than your usual timings and gradually increase it to reach your goal.

This will not only allow you to make time for your morning walk but also enough time to freshen up, grab a healthy breakfast and get a head start to your day. Moreover, exercise in the morning has benefits for improving your metabolism for the rest of the day and ensuring you find the time to exercise before the day gets too busy. So, you’ll probably crush all your tasks with ease.

What is the best time for a morning walk?

While it depends on where you live, starting one or half an hour before sunrise is probably the best time for a morning walk. Especially during summer when you get sweaty just after taking shower, walking when the sun is not making things difficult might just be ideal.

Having said that, exercising around 7 a.m. may shift your body clock earlier so that you feel more alert in the morning, get tired earlier in the evening and potentially even prime you to get enough rest to wake up and do the same thing the next day.

How much should you walk in the morning?

Many doctors recommend at least 30 minutes of brisk walking, four to five times a week. If you find yourself unable to walk for that long, initially, give yourself smaller goals and try to walk for 10 to 15 minutes, increasing the time gradually.

Many of us tend to start with 7 to 8 rounds of our local stadiums in enthusiasm only to end up in a burnout. The key here is not to burn out fast but consistently. So start with 2 or 3 rounds but make it brisk and try going out for a morning walk for most days of the week.

Can sleeping after exercise make you fat?

You have just started your morning walk this week, and well we all know work from home can be more exhausting than offline office hours. You’re tired. We hear you. You’ll be happy to know that the answer to this question is no. In fact, sleeping can amplify the benefits of walking. Not only does deep sleep kick up the production of tissue-repairing growth hormone, but studies show that lack of it is a weight-gain double whammy: It prompts your body to consume more kilojoules and shuts down its ability to recognise a full stomach. 

Prioritising sleep is probably the best thing you can do, recovery-wise and to meet your body-shaping goals. So log in more Zs and take that nap after your morning walk.

Can post-workout snacks boost the benefits of walking?

A post-workout snack might just be as helpful as taking proper rest. Having a bite after exercising helps promote muscle repair. Still not convinced? It can also lead to less stomach fat. Exercise activates cortisol, a stress hormone that gives you that extra surge to lose those extra kilos.

What do you need to do to get the most out of it? Chowing down on protein within 30 minutes of your workout can help boost the benefits of morning walks. You can go for a hard-boiled egg or substitute your milk with some freshly squeezed juice. Caffeine when consumed with carbs increases muscles’ energy production 66% more than carbs alone.

Can water intake help in losing weight through walking?

Dehydration substantially slows your metabolic rate. So even if you’re killing it at your morning walk, you could be negating the kilojoule-burning advantages if you aren’t drinking enough H20. Remind yourself to have eight glasses of water or even more daily. And remember, most standard bottles of water contain 500ml, so four of them (and not eight) equal eight glasses.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.What is the best time for a morning walk? 

The most crucial aspect to consider when determining whether to go for a morning or evening walk is how it will fit into your schedule. You could, for example, have a high-powered position that requires you to commute. It would be very hard to squeeze a morning walk into your schedule in this situation, therefore you should switch to an evening stroll routine. You might also work locally and not have to start till 9.00 a.m. Even though you don't have a long commute home, you are unable to commit to a stroll after work. You must choose the option that most suits you and one you can commit to regularly, whether it is a morning or evening stroll.

2.Is it good to walk every morning? 

According to studies, one hour of vigorous walking might extend your life by two hours. Morning walks can also benefit you in the following ways: I'm starting to feel better. Reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and several cancers.

3.Are morning walks for weight loss effective?

Walking first thing in the morning may assist you in achieving your weight loss objectives. Walking for 30 minutes at a moderate pace can burn up to 150 calories. You could lose weight if you combine it with a good diet and strength exercise.

4.Can we sleep after walking?

After you've exercised, take a sleep to help your muscles heal. Your pituitary gland secretes growth hormone when you sleep. This hormone is required for tissue repair and growth in your muscles. This is necessary for muscular growth, athletic performance, and receiving the advantages of exercise.

Bottom Line

If we had to pick the best time to exercise, morning would win. The benefits of morning walks are immense. Early workouts make the most of your biology and psychology, potentially leading to better results and adherence over time. Not only that, it gives you time in the evening to socialise, binge watch Netflix or include any high-intensity workout sessions to reach your body goals sooner.

Speaking of high-intensity exercises, Decathlon offers a wide range of equipment you might want to add to your home gym including dumbbells of different weights, yoga mats, and exercise benches. It is the perfect one-stop destination for all your quality sports goods. It provides people across the world by developing innovative and affordably priced gym wear and gym equipment products. Now tie up your walking shoes and get going on your way to your healthy dream bod.

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