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Nikita Lalwani

Bicycle Mayor of Baroda

Bicycle Mayor of Baroda


Nikita Lalwani is the first bicycle Mayor in India. She is 28 years old, the Bicycle Mayor of Baroda and also an Instrumentation Engineer. She is from Kota and has been brought up there till the age of 12. After successfully completing her engineering from NIT Surat, she has been working for the last 6 years. She started Cycling really young. She's been cycling through different phases of her life mainly for commuting to school, to coaching classes, to work etc

Articles by AuthoR
India's first Bicycle Mayor Shares Her Story

Nikita Lalwani is the first bicycle Mayor in India. We had a chance to talk with her, know her better and understand how the program works.

Nikita Lalwani
May 20, 2019
min read
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