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Bhagyashree Sawant

Sport Leader, Decathlon Brigade Road
Hiking, Trekking, Cycling, Rugby, Marathon

- Guinness world record holder - Cycled 20000 KM across India-18 States & 5UT - Mt. Everest from North Col & South Col till 8000mtrs twice"


Starting my sporting journey in skating followed by hurdles, sprints, marathon, cycling, and rugby, I was at my peak of fitness. Having a set career in athletics during my younger days, I excelled at a national level, but later as I grew older and entered the open age category, the height of the hurdles grew while mine remained constant! I had to switch to another sport to make the best out of it.

Articles by AuthoR
Everest Summit - Bhagyashree Declares Her Soul to the Mountains

Here’s the story of not one but two journeys to Everest and Bhagyashree’s declaration of giving her soul to the Mountains.

Bhagyashree Sawant
May 20, 2019
min read
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