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Apsara Vydyula

Certified Yoga Teacher, Teacher at Subasheelam Dance Academy, Thiruvanmiyur
Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Ashthanga Yoga

- Certified teacher with Yoga Alliance and World Yoga Organization - Learned the Ashtanga practice directly from Mysore with Ramesh ji, a lifetime member of the Mysore Yoga Association as well - Also from Ravi and Sreemathy, direct disciples of guru Sri K Pattabhi Jois.


"I’ve always had a special affinity for the spiritual, and my path to being a yogi was as organic as it was incidental. My first official yoga class at age 22 lit a dormant inexplicable passion in me, and my journey acquired shape and depth from there. I believe in the universality of yoga, across genders, age and backgrounds, and in classes, I am mindful of individual limitations and capabilities. I specialize in teaching Vinyasa Yoga and modify the practice by using props when required. I will always be a student of yoga and continue learning."

Articles by AuthoR
Apsara - Yoga on and off the Mat

Apsara Vydyula has always had a special affinity for the spiritual and her path to being a yogi was as organic as it was incidental. Read her inspiring journey beautifully narrated.

Apsara Vydyula
May 20, 2019
min read
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