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The 5 Tibetans come from the monasteries in the Himalayas. They increase the vital energy and regulate the level on all chakras (energy centres of the body).
READ MOREThe 5 Tibetans come from the monasteries in the Himalayas. Kept secret until in the 1930s, they were revealed to the Western world by Peter Kelder
They increase the vital energy and regulate the level on all chakras (energy centres of the body). They also help to keep the body strong and flexible. They say this series of exercises practices longevity. This is indeed a yoga ritual to follow without further delay to maintain youth and vitality! Every day, take a few minutes to repeat these 5 Tibetans. To find a good energy, the yoga exercises can be done in the morning or evening (or both). Also, it is best to do these rituals three times each the first week, then five times during the second and so on during the following weeks, up to twenty times a day, with the exception of the first rite which will be performed an unspecified number of times until you feel dizzy. We recommend you exercise barefoot on a yoga mat.
To achieve this energetic exercise, stay watchful: in the morning the muscles are cold, so perform each movement without forcing. If you feel any pain, stop. Pause between each exercise for a better awareness. Finally, limit the amplitudes of each movement and go gradually, without haste.
Objective: revive energy and strengthen your personal magnetic field.
Performing the exercise: standing, fold your arms on your chest. Palms turned toward the ground. Then turn on yourself, in an anti-clockwise direction. To facilitate the spin, rotate on the right foot that remains on the ground and push off with the left foot. At the end of the turns, return both feet shoulder-width apart, flat on the floor. Join hands, as if in prayer, close your eyes to see your magnetic field in full swing. Wait a few moments for your head to stop spinning.
Breathing: breathe naturally.
Safety instructions: stop turning in the event of giddiness.
Repetitions: start by making a few turns, 6 to start. When your body is accustomed, increase up to 12 turns.
Objective: strengthening the abdominals and neck, stimulate the solar plexus energy centre and energize the pancreas and thyroid.
Performing the exercise: lie on your back and place your arms along the body. Simultaneously lift up your head and straight legs vertically. Slowly lower the head and outstretched legs.
Safety instructions: During the first fortnight, perform the exercise with bent knees to protect your back as much as possible. Systematically remember to tuck in your chin as you lift your head. Keep the lower back on the ground to protect your lumbar regions. If you suffer from back problems, do the same exercise on bent legs.
Breathing: exhale as you lift your legs, inhale on the way down.
Repetitions: 6.
Objective: stretching the hip flexors, abdominal core and neck. The energy of the solar plexus is brought to the heart, invigorating the thymus, thyroid and adrenal glands.
Performing the exercise: go down on your knees, place your arms along your thighs. Then lean your upper body forwards, so that the neck is elongated and chin is resting on your chest. Then, raise your head and stretch your chest as far as possible back.
Breathing: exhale slowly tilting the head forward, take a deep breath as you lean backwards.
Safety instructions: tense the buttocks, draw in the tummy so that your hips are in the right position and to protect your lower back. The thighs are extended. Open the chest, the thoracic area.
Repetitions: 6.
Objective: Strengthen the shoulders, lower back and buttocks. Stimulate the lower abdomen, the neck and the knees.
Performing the exercise: sit on the ground, legs stretched, the feet are spread out hip-width apart. Place hands flat on the floor, on each side of the hips. Take a deep breath and then open the chest forward and lift the hips up to form a right angle with the knees. Hang your head backwards as much as possible. Return to the initial position.
Breathing: inhale as you lift your hips, exhale as you return to the sitting position.
Safety instructions: to protect your joints, press down on the ground with hands, locking wrists, arms and shoulders. At the end of the exhalation, tuck your chin into your chest.
Repetitions: 6.
Objective: relax and soothe the mind, stretch the body and especially the back, strengthen the arms, shoulders and relax the back of legs.
Performing the exercise: position yourself on all fours. The hands are laid flat (fingers are open) parallel, in line with the shoulders. Feet are hip-width apart, in alignment with the hands. Get up on tiptoes then slowly push your hips upwards extending your arms and legs. The ischia is raised skywards. With your hands, take small steps forward to extend the spine little by little. Feet must be flat on the floor. The head remains down.
Breathing: adopt calm, deep breathing.
Safety instructions: remember to turn your shoulders outwards to free up the space between the shoulder blades. The forearms come away from the ground and naturally the spine goes into a neutral position. Tuck in the lower ribs for the duration of the exercise.
Repetitions: 6. If you're just starting out, hold the position for 30 to 40 seconds only. For those who can hold the position, be aware of the relaxation of the abdominal mass on the diaphragm, the release of the tongue...
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