Hi, I’m a Strength and Conditioning Coach and Sports Nutrition Specialist, Rupesh Choudhury. I’m from Pune, Maharashtra. I work with athletes, injured clients, and regular individuals and help them get leaner, stronger, and more conditioned. I am also the founder and Head Faculty for Applied Athletics, a Pune based academy for Strength and Conditioning professionals.

Who or what inspired you to take up sports as a way of life?

I was always an athlete, back in school and college. I used to work in the corporate sector at one point in my life. However, I had always felt that sports and fitness were my true calling. Finally, I decided to take the plunge and pursue coaching professionally. I went back to college, got a degree in Physical Education, and never looked back. Since then I have been a practitioner and preacher of strength and conditioning.

What are the different sports you practice?

I am passionate about and play basketball, run cross country, participate in powerlifting and weightlifting.

How did you manage to branch out into building your expertise in so many sports?

It started with fun and grew into a more serious pursuit of learning. Also, as part of my work, I interact with plenty of athletes which has helped me develop my skillset and hone my core expertise. Also, my academic work in my organization Applied Athletics requires me to be at the forefront of evidence-based information with regards to different aspects of sports and fitness.

What would you consider to be your biggest achievement so far?

I have never analyzed my work in that manner but yes the most grateful I have felt was when I was given the opportunity to work with a particular female client who had multiple spine-related issues, was extremely overweight, and was severely shaken psychologically. I worked in collaboration with another coach and over a year and a half we were able to see drastic changes in her body composition, strength, posture, and confidence.

How have sports personally benefited/changed you?

Sports and fitness have always been a part of my life. At one point I used to play for fun, now my profession allows me to live a life of good health and emotional fulfillment.

How’s your journey been as a coach?

I started coaching general clients around 8 years back, five of which have been in Pune. For the last 3 years, I have been working exclusively with athletes and injured clients. I also work with the Football Club of Mumbaikars as their Strength and Conditioning Coach. I look forward to many more years of developing athletes and coaches.

What are some of your best memories from your practice?

My interactions with certain clients who were recovering from serious injuries, and being able to witness them transform into healthy, strong, and confident individuals will always be the best memories my profession can give me.

How do you structure your days? How do you balance your practice and family?

I attend to my clients in the early part of my day, and then it’s time for my workout in the early afternoon. Finally, as the day moves on I focus on my educational research and work related to my academy. I call it a day at around 10 pm. I make sure to set aside at least 2 days in a week exclusively for my family.

What equipment do you find indispensable for accomplishing your practice?

Indispensable? Nothing other than the human body. But yes, I use barbells, dumbbells, weight plates, resistance bands, and other equipment to optimize my training.

What do you find are the biggest challenges and what are the best ways you’ve found to overcome them?

The biggest challenge in any sphere of life is consistency or perhaps the lack of it. Anyone can give 500% when things are new and interesting. True dedication shines through when the glamour wears off and “exciting” becomes “everyday”. What has helped me in these situations is reminding myself that I have the power and responsibility to impact lives; that regardless of them being academic students or clients, human beings are counting on me.

Any Advice that you want to give to enthusiastic beginners?

Start with the right intent. No matter what you choose to do in life, do it for the right reasons. Possess clarity before all else. If you know “Why” you are doing something, you will most certainly discover a “How”.

What’s next for you?

Well, I intend to pursue my Ph.D. in Sport Physiology and Performance. Post that, I hope to achieve an almost impossible balance of Coaching, Teaching, and Scientific Research.

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