You’ve already given up on trekking because it was ‘that time of the month’? Are you hesitating about going on a trek because you’re due to have your period during the trip? The girls from team Forclaz, are on it and share with you their solutions for trekking even when you have your period!

Let's be frank: periods are normal. All women have them, its part of life. So why put your life on hold and stop doing what you love because you have a period? Obviously, there’ll be some questions regarding: the kind of protection? Managing hygiene?  And more generally concerning your fitness level. Here are our solutions!



Without a doubt, our preference is the menstrual cup. I’ll explain why, but please be aware it is important to set off with the protection that is the easiest one for you. Every woman is different and each woman hasher own solution.

To avoid toxic shock and infection generally, always wash your hands with an alcohol hydrogel for example, before changing your protection, and afterwards. Change your tampon or sanitary towel regularly and do not to forget to empty and rinse out your cup several times per day. This will also prevent leaks...


Big advantage, just empty it, rinse with water and put it back in! A lightweight helpmate that is easy to carry and creates no waste. As long as you master the technique for inserting and removing the cup.

Test it before you leave. Make sure you sterilise it between cycles!



Always practical as they are small and easy to slip into a backpack if you ever leave without knowing when your period will come.


A classic, easy to change, with two drawbacks. On the one hand because of odour, as blood comes into contact with the air, which oxidises and releases a slight odour. And secondly, because if the towel is poorly placed it can irritate the top of the things after a long day of walking.

Maria, Forclaz designer: “The cup is my solution for trekking !During my first trip to Mont Blanc, the fact I had to carry all the waste in my backpack for several days forced me to find an odourless solution; something that takes up little room and doesn’t add any extra weight!’


If you opt for the cup, bring a bottle with you, empty the cup into the hole you’ve dug for going to the toilet. You then rinse with water, still over the hole, which allows the blood to dilute a little. Then fill in the hole.

For tampons and towels, you will need to find a strange solution during your trek or until you reach the next bin. How to go about it? You can wrap your towel or tampon in some toilet paper and place it in a freezer bag. You can, perhaps, put the small bags into a bigger one and put some bicarb of soda in the bottom of the bag to absorb odours. And then straight into the bin as soon as you find one.

Mélanie, Forclaz designer: Essential oils are really great! Adding just a few drops to your bicarb will make the bag smell good. Palmarosa or lemon smell fresh, they make you feel good. Palmarosa can also be used as a deodorant on your trek. And I always take my bottle of tea tree oil to treat hormonal blemishes”



We can only encourage you to take care of yourself! For some women, having their period means a drop in fitness levels, so adapt your route, at this time. Shorter stages, more regular breaks, listen to your body and act accordingly. If you need more sugar in the days before or at the beginning of your period, have dried fruit to avoid a dip in energy.

If you’re prone to cramps, remember to bring the painkillers you normally use and take things easy. Make sure you’re well hydrated and take advantage of breaks to boost your circulation by raising your feet.

At night, for example, slip clothes or utensils under your feet. If only heat can effectively relieve your pain, take small heat patches to use at night when camping or use your metal water bottle as a hot water bottle! Place a cloth around your bottle and fill it with hot water. Wrap it upwell so you don’t burn yourself, then place it on the sensitive area. 

And that’s it! So, have you chosen your next trek?


Period-tracking apps can be really useful to predict your next period and prepare you better for departure.

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